It isn`t a bad level that much. But i can say now, It isn`t great. This lvl has kinda low quality, the most of the people suddently won`t like this. The eyecandy is very very low, I saw little eyecandy it was a forground layer near to the start. Ammo, there isn`t much of it. And the ammo is usseles to, you can`t use in the underground (more a maze then a underground) the passages are to crapy. And when your ammo is empty, you need to kill eachother with a blaster, because all the ammo is hidden in some big area`s in that underground, so you need to go to that area and collect some ammo again, and going there take`s long. Farther i saw a MCE`s and Birdy`s. And the Tileset is easy to use, and Music is Standard, you`ve better couldn`t set it in your pack, evryone has it anyway. Sorry a 6 from me.[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Ah, yes. Operation Underground. A very fun level to have, although every other aspect is below average. The gameplay is pretty bad, not much room for jumping and shooting. The ammo is way too low for a large level like this. The eyecandy is pretty good for a mez01 level. I know it’s old, so I won’t go harsh on you. Be sure to make another one though!
This thing gets an…er…maybe for download recommendation…
It can be quite fun sometimes… ;-)
Posted more than 21 years ago
hehe another Fireball level (yay)
I looked around and found it. I remember this level from very looooong ago.
I like the level but I wouldn’t post it to be rated for its theme is having fun and some levels like that can’t be rated to high. Anycase its a cool level from long ago and if it was submited when first made I am sure the rating we all would be giving it would be quite high,
none the less you submit it at a time of strict marking because level
making has become ..easier for people to understand
and to do so the rating becomes more strict. Anyhow the level is good and fun and the birds are always cool
(hehe)-Hi is a noun
Yah, I have to say,,
There is a sequel to this coming,, is being made with the Vitorian tilset (2nd one) and will be made much larger than the OU lvl,,
but, it may still not be the best since i have just returned from a jazz 2 recess in august,(or somewhere round there,,)