Posted more than 21 years ago
A pretty cool level by Evilmike of J2LC we have here. “Alien technologys”(i still liked the old name, “Alien Jungle” beter), is a well designed CTF level, using the tileset Ets planet 2 aka Grentenus. Use of the tileset is good, and the level’s design is pretty new looking, sorta origenal. The music, to me, was defenitly wrong. The music file used in the other version, “Shutdown”, fits a litle beter to me. Otherwise, try Darkness.mod(“Edge of Darkness”) or night2.s3m(“Amazonas”). I realy like the way the tileset was used. I have a level lying around using this tileset too, ready for upload. Guess i’ll release it once:P. Ammo placement is good here too, maybe a “BIT” litle, but good. I would have liked to see some light efects in the level, or atleast not have the level at 100% light. Try turning down the light to 72 or something like that, it will look darker, more creepy, and add to the feel of the level. Background layers where used pretty basic, same as in all other levels published with this tileset, but i guess there are’nt realy any other ways to use them. The whole level itself is at most places very open, sorta reminds me of Disguise’s level design style, wich i like very much. Suckertubes are well hidden and placed, and can be used to make shortcuts to the basses. I was unable to find any dead ends yet, wich is good too, because me, and a lot of other people woth me are strongly against dead ends in multiplayer levels. I also like the way vines where used, it looks pretty cool. I was, because of the music, very undecided between a 7.7 and a 8 here. I’ll be generous this time, so this 8.0 is yours.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Hmm, where to start…? Well, first impression is of the attention to detail thats been taken during creation. The level looks great. Second, the very clever design of the level, the warps and tibes are crucial to success, learning them gives you such an advantage…its very well balenced, both from a side to side point and a fire power to health point of view. And its FUN! Its a level you can stay in and not get bored, which is becoming something of a rarity on the server these days.
Theres the usual stuff to mention, the tilesets great, nicely varied, if a little basic in places, the music is good choice i think, and ammo is plentyful but not ott. I cant think of any serious (or even un-serious) fault in any part of the level, add it to your collection asap!
Posted more than 21 years ago
Nice level using a rather original tileset. Good lay-out, rather nice balancing of flag bases, but I feel the red base is harder to get the flag from than the blue (Could be the fact it was a three on one chase whenever I got the red flag :P)
Nice eyecandy, doesn’t look like there’s too many glitches. DL recommendation, not just because it’s a good level, but because it’s evil. :)
Posted more than 21 years ago
A very nice level, abit hard to get to each of the bases though, its not as easy as just running to base to base, u sort of have to find your way without using the arrow.
The eye candy is fantastic, good use of the tiles, the music matches ( When I posted ETs Planet2 on j2o, I think I forgot to include the music file which was unworld2.s3m, and that was a sort of heavy metal music, with some sound of machinery in it, I copied the music from Unreal Tournament)
The level isn’t squarey, which is one thing I really like about the level, the only thing I don’t like about the level is the animation of the vines, I think you animated them to fast…the animations of the vines moving were ment to be slow, so u only noticed it when you’re standing still, it sort of makes the whole level feel like its moving, and the vines are alive, and are gonna attack u, like that other decapitated rabbit that u walked past, it adds to the evilness, but I guess in CTF, your moving around trying to get the flag, so you never actually stand still and have a look at some tiles, so I guess the animation playing at a speed of 10 fps is ok
Anyway, I give this level an 8.5
Posted more than 21 years ago
Really, I couldn’t agree more with the comments above. This level has a below average (for levels with TIPs) flow, which is surprising, because it is usually Mike’s strong point. Still a very good level and a recommended download.