Race Through the Forest

  • Rating: 4.6

Reviews and comments

    Executor Posted more than 21 years ago


    Originally posted by Bjarni Cool:
    Hey that isn´t right. Say what version do you have. Ok?

    Edit: [reply Taz post] It isn´t right! I am angry! I now create a level and no see me this face: :D! A create a level isn´t easy and that isn´t funny. I am no loser. If you see me next level you show what is funny! :# Urrrrrrrr![This review has been edited by Bjarni Cool]

    What are you trying to say? Your message is a bunch of gibberish. Also, Cazz/Kat/Jessie has v1.24.

    Anyway, now to rate this level.
    Anyway, this level could be way better. Without its problems, it would be a 8 (8 is generous). But…
    Use of the useless race format: -1
    Ugly scrolling leaves in background and level is otherwise plain: -1
    Mystifying layout: -.5
    Some terrain tiles have no bottoms: -.5

    You earned a 5. Do better next time.[This review has been edited by Executor]

    Did you think this was a good review? Yes/No

    XpandoZ Posted more than 21 years ago


    Hmmm… this race level is not really fun, cuz it’s hard to know where you must go, not much eyecandy and a bad layout!
    Also, the leafs in the foreground are pretty annoying.

    I think this is not really a fun race level!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    fearofdark 19 Apr 2005, 18:41

    4.2Not recommended:

    This race is terribly short. I managed to do a lap in less than 25 seconds. It’s incredibly not fun aswell. To summarise, a 4.2 is the most I can give you

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Taz Posted more than 21 years ago

    You are not a good lvl maker,too. :D

    Cazz NP Posted more than 21 years ago

    GRRR! I am insulted! You’re just jealous because your race level got low rating![This review has been edited by Cazz NP]

    EDIT: Please don’t grade your own levels.[This review has been edited by EvilMike]