Downloads containing j1Blocks.txt

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Christmas tazar Single player 7.7 Download file

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Level name: Christmas Presents
Level's filename: j1blocks.j2l
Created by: TaZaR
Tileset's name: Jazz Jackrabbit 1: Bloxonius - Extended (I don't know who
is the creator.)
Tileset's filename: j1Blocks2.j2t
Music: xmas3.s3m (created by Epic MegaGames)
Enemies: Normal Turtle, Float Sucker, Lizard, Float Lizard, Monkey, Dragon
Boss: Bolly Boss

Special thanks to:
- Epic MegaGames for creating Jazz Jackrabbit 2.
- The man who creates, the Bloxonis tileset.
- Balazs who testing the beta of this level.
- Haze.

More levels are coming soon!
My e-mail is:
Contact me, if you want!

The End . . .