Downloads containing F5_Torment_Readme.txt

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TSF Only: F5 Torment Cmdr Dats Battle N/A Download file

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F5 Torment - Jazz 2 Level

Name :F5 Torment
Author :Commander Dats
Time :Roughly 2 hours..  
Tileset Used :MEZ01
Size :50x50 (i like building small, quick and thorough levels)
Music File :noface.s3m by Skaven/FC
Bugs Found :A little hard to get into one of the bottom secret fastfire
tunnel.. suggestions?

Comments :

Heyall, this is the result of a little "speedhack" contest between me and
Disguise.. :) i'm probably losing hands-down since this is only my second
complete level (and his 9398-th level?).. but heck! it was fun
none-the-less... Wondering about the name? hehe, well, simple.. i'm
actually a programmer, using visual c++ most of the time and to compile a
program i'm used to using the sequence alt-f-l-F5 (okay so alt-f-l is
unnecessary since the compiler saves the files b4 compiling, but saving's a
habit with me) where jazz is ctrl-r... i KEEP pressing F5 to save and run
my level, then i wait.. and wait.. and wait... then only does it strike me
that it's not "compiling" (compiling takes AGES on my p200).. hehehe.. oh

Greetz :

Xeno, Disguise (hehe, *chuck*), Xeye, Amy, Poisonfootsie(::grin::), Katie,
my parents (oh no, can't 4get them! haha), all u guys (actually, mostly
girls, hehe) on my AIM buddy list and any1 else out there that actually
took the time to read this file.. thank you! :))

Disclaimer :

The author accepts no responsibility for bad things happening as result of
the contents of this package.. (i'm lazy 2day aren't i?)

Files Included in Package :

F5_Torment_Readme.txt- This file!
f5torment.j2l- The level, F5 Torment
mez01.j2t- The Tileset... :)
noface.s3m- The music!! YEAH! 

Till l8r ppl!! feel free to e-mail me....

Commander Dats ( ; )

"The power of faith is quiet. It is the leaf unmoved by the hurricane."