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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: JuMpInG sKiLlS II The - Wrath Single player N/A Download file

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                     JUMPING SKILLS II

Finally it has been released Jumping skills II!!!!!

1 Help - help on how to complete Jumping skills II
2 Future releases 
3 History of Jumping skills
4 Stuff about me - The WRaTH
5 Credits

1 The Dark caves - The trigger crate is in the dark caves so is a gold
coin you just have to find them TIP go right when you get warped in 
  The high wall - You may get very annoyed with this bit because you 
have to keep jumping from swinging boll to swinging boll and 1 false
move results in falling right to the bottom again but once you finally
got up to the top you will get a gold coin TIP if you are on 1 player 
mode press caps lock and it will be like the run key being held down 
without you holding it down TIP dont get stressed with the high wall 
and do the high wall first before anything.
  The Prison - This bit is pretty straight foward basicly its ... get 
ice jump on to platform by platform un till you reach a spring freeze
the spring and your in and get the gold coin TIP jump on to the second
platform and jump as far as you can to the left of you.
  The part where you have to think - You dont really have to think that
much just before you go there get some flamer ammo and go for the far 
left of you morph then do jazzes high jump on to those butstomping 
blocks but only high jump on 1 or maybe 2 of the blocks because when
you have to push a big rock you have to push it over the butstompable 
blocks so anyway push that rock over the butstompable blocks and push
it to the open bit and get on top of it and high jump you are now near 
a spring that is frozen un freeze it with that flamer and on the 
jumping part of it just basicly get to the top and then you will have 
access to the dark caves.
  Lower parts - to get access to the lower parts you have to find the 
trigger crate which is hidden in the dark caves when you get down here
the floors will slide you all over the place there is a gold coin under
one of the floors TIP to get that coin run off that floor and suddenly 
change direction then press jump and grab it. There is another coin at
the end. CONGRATULATIONS!! you have all the coins just fall down a 
hole and you will be warped back to the higher parts  
2 The future releases are Jumping skills III Operation whammo ammo II
and all the jazz2 addon levels.

3 The idea for jumping skills was created by me when my sister wanted 
to become a better jumper and i had been playing worms armageddon 
lately and they have training levels name like something skills1 or 
something grade 1 something like that anyway so i came up with the 
idea of jumping skills.
Allthough Jumping skills was a 3 stars level on universejazz Jumping 
skills II is an evolved version of Jumping skills.

4 I'm currenly 12 years old and 13 years old in the year 2000 which it 
is today. I'm English and i dont think much to football but i love
Basketball. My name is David Askew and my sister plays on jazz2 aswell
as me with a name of "EMMA" .

5 Credits:

  Level maker "The WRaTH" 
  Level testers "BioRabBit" "Daz!!!" "EMMA"
  I check my own eyecandy by the way.