Downloads containing JJ1Sng4R.S3M

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Temple of the UgliesFeatured Download Unknown Rabbit Single player 8.1 Download file
Music: Turtemple Remix Silver Fox J Music 5.2 Download file

File preview

|###| Sample Name                  |
|001| Flutey                       |
|002| Dingy                        |
|003| JJ2: Bdrum3                  |
|004| JJ2: Snare Drum              |
|005| JJ2: Open Hi-Hat             |
|006| bassdrum6                    |
|007| snare2                       |
|008| hihat5                       |
|009| Strum                        |
|010| Really Short Strum           |
|011| -------------------------    |
|012| Jazz Jackrabbit:             |
|013|  Turtemple Remix             |
|014|  (A'la Jazz 2)               |
|015|                              |
|016| Originally by:               |
|017|  Robert A. Allen             |
|018|                              |
|019| This Remix by:               |
|020|  Robert A. Allen             |
|021|  Joseph Tek Fox              |
|022|        |
|023|  (AKA, Silver Fox J)         |
|024| -------------------------    |
|025| The Fox Speaks:              |
|026|  It almost sounds like       |
|027|  someone from Epic did       |
|028|  this music file, I          |
|029|  swear... I love this        |
|030|  remix I did... Love it..    |
|031| -------------------------    |
|032| v1.0: June 5, 2001           |
|033|                              |
|034|                              |
|035|                              |