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<p align="center"><font size="6"><strong><img src="_derived/aim_editing.htm_cmp_zero000_bnr.gif" width="600" height="60" border="0" alt="AIM Editing"></strong></font><br>
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<p>*NOTE* This should be used to change the startup level/type, or to change the<br>
directory of Jazz.<br>
1. Sign on AIM.<br>
2. Go to My AIM-->Edit Options>-->Edit Preferences...-->Games<br>
3. I strongly reccomend selecting the Use alternate Internet Address!<br>
4. Click Games List...<br>
5. When the Games List appears, select Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and click the Edit..<br>
button at the bottom of the menu.<br>
6. The Edit Game Info window will open. Here you can edit stuff.<br>
To change level/game type:<br>
In the server command line parameters change -battle battle1.j2l to whatever<br>
you'd like. (i.e. -battle AztecBattle.j2l, -ctf capture1.j2l)<br>
To change the default directory of Jazz (BOTH USERS MUST HAVE IT IN THE SAME<br>
Change the Executable path box to whatever and the Start in (Working<br>
If you'd like it to put the Playing Game away message then check the box.<!--mstheme--></font><!--msnavigation--></td></tr><!--msnavigation--></table></body>
