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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Assault3Featured Download Syntax Custom / Concept 8.5 Download file

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<i><b><font color="green">Assault3.j2l</i></b></font><br><font size="1">Confidential Record</font></td>
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<a href="">JDC -</a></td>

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<font color="yellow">The following information, gathered from an anonymous source, is at least 80% correct. The layout, shown at left, may be a little different from the actual location.<br><br></font>

A nuclear reactor is located somewhere in the base. The base will be guarded by the defending team. The objective of the attacking team is to descend the tunnels, infiltrate the base, and destroy the nuclear reactor. Only <font color=#00ffff>25 minutes</font> will be allowed to complete this task, otherwise the defending team has successfully defended the base.<br><br>

The descent for the attacking team will be slow, as many of the tunnels are blocked off by debree that has caved through over time. It is given that a lot of firepower will be needed to blast a way through the tunnels. Many of the tunnels will also have gates blocking further passage. The attacking team will need to work together to find the switches needed to unlock these gates an continue on their way as fast as possible.<br><br>

In the meantime, the defending team will have access to various one-way warps located in their base, which will allow them to teleport to the appropriate scouting and guarding positions throughout the tunnel system. It is their job to make sure that they slow down the attackers' progress, and to prevent them from getting to the nuclear reactor in anyway possible.<br><br>

Rockets are the only weapon destructive enough to harm the reactor. Even so, it will take multiple shots to completely destroy it. Also, there is a hidden warp within the tunnels that can prove to be a meaningful shortcut once unlocked.<br><br>

<font color="yellow">If a player from the defending team has gotten themself stuck in a scouting position they don't want to be in, they can always rejoin the server to start back in the base. Attacking players may do the same if they need to return to the top of the system. Defending players must make sure to NOT SET OFF THE TRIGGER CRATES. Doing so will only help the opposing team toward their goal.</font><br><br>

Open a server in CTF mode, one-point limit, with "start.j2l", to organize the teams before the game. When everyone is ready, flag the other base to activate "Assault3.j2l". And regardless of which team you are on, <u>work together!!</u> The first couple games will help you to get a feel of the level; after that, you get better with experience.<br><br>
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<font color=#00ff00 size="2">-Syntax<br><br></font></font></td></tr></table>

PS: Bobby, BlueIce, Madrabb, Fquist, and myself accept any challenges; we defend. (heh, heh...:))

