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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: BloodBunny's CTF PackFeatured Download stripe Capture the flag 9 Download file

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Filename(s):    bblair.j2l
Title:          BloodBunny's Lair
Tileset:        Damn 2  
Dimensions:     128x66
Music:          Dang.j2b
Type:           Capture the Flag

Author:         BloodBunny/Ninjin
Email:          Edward Kmett <>
ICQ:            1985432


This was my first attempt at designing a CTF level. I started it because
I really wanted to see a CTF map using this tileset and because this was
my favorite music in the game.

The final result comes from a compromise between trying to make
high and low detail modes both look passable.

This level was initially going to be called 'Michigan Weather' and
have Snow Particle events. This decision was later revoked when it
was discovered that Snow Particle events, while available
when you toggle the editor into Multiplayer-only event mode, only
affect the local server. :~( This made it so that only I, as server,
could see the snow and no one else caught the joke, not that many outside
this desolate wasteland I call home would. ;-)

The lava at the bottom was originally implemented using Water Level events
not Water Blocks, but I found that the behavior of Jazz in 1-2 tiles
deep of water was erratic and annoying enough that I needed something
simpler and it gave a clear advantage to low detail because they could
see opponents in the lava. In addition, when using water-level, the water
animation effects affected frame rate and made the bottom couple of tiles
of the map rather ugly in high detail mode. (Every other scanline across
the bottom of the screen being done in blue, mixed with yellow-orange lava
is, let me tell you, quite horrendous) ;) Switching to water blocks and
putting a run of lava tiles across the bottom of the map in layer 4 allowed
the lava effect to be present in both low and high detail modes, which I
couldnt get through water level events. Also, it freed me from wrapping all
the start points with water level setting events.

Since Hurt events do not work in multiplayer on anyone except the server, I
felt that letting people splash around in the lava (and even encouraging it
by hiding a couple things down there) was rather entertaining. This is the
same reason why the happy pointy things on the level just ricochet bullets
with a pleasant *ping*.

A lot of this level is in the foreground, because I felt that it helped
make the major cave-like structures feel more enclosing. In addition, it
allowed me to overlap mismatched fore and background tiles to patch things
together which were never meant to be. Additional benefits of moving tiles
to the foreground are that the dangling stalactites (well, technically,
unsupported stalagmites with those cute little anti-gravity fins at their
base) which pretend to hold up many of the platforms have awkward masks
which can otherwise catch the player in annoying and unpredictable ways.
Moving those to the foreground consistently allowed me to avoid the


You can pick up the Missile Powerup by either using the TimeBombs above it
or by using the ElectroBlasters from below.

There are 2 gold coins tucked away on the level. The bonus warp lets you
raid either base quickly and costs 10 coins to activate, but as a safeguard
against people camping in the warp to taunt players, there is a ledge
underneath with electroblasters which can be used to chase people out of

There are 2 'hidden' passageways through the block of stone in the center
of the map that offer easier passage than going all the way to the bottom
and back up in many situations.

In addition, there are several little alcoves tucked away inside the rock
where goodies can be found, but none of these 'secrets' are particularly