Downloads containing

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Anniversary Bash 6 Jazz2Online Multiple N/A Download file
TSF with JJ2+ Only: Formerly A Prince 2Featured Download OLOELO Single player 9.5 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Forest of the Gruesome... DennisKainz Tileset 7.7 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: The Deadly Light Jarno vos Battle 3.4 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Belfalas WWInc Capture the flag 7.5 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Rather Useless CTF Stijn Capture the flag 7.9 Download file
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: The EpisodeFeatured Download Blade Single player 8.9 Download file

File preview

|###| Instrument Name            |###| Sample Name                |
|001|                            |001|                            |
|002| . "Approach"               |002|                            |
|003|                            |003| - Approach -               |
|004| composed by                |004|                            |
|005|                            |005| composed by Nightbeat      |
|006| . Nightbeat                |006|                            |
|007| _________________________  |007|                            |
|008|                            |008|                            |
|009| for multi-channel          |009|                            |
|010| compo at Icing 99          |010|                            |
|011|                            |011|                            |
|012| Gbg, Sweden, May 13-16     |012|                            |
|013| _________________________  |013|                            |
|014|                            |014|                            |
|015|                            |015|                            |
|016|  |016|                            |
|017|                            |017|                            |
|018| _________________________  |018|                            |
|019|                            |019|                            |
|020|   |020|                            |
|021| _________________________  |021|                            |
|022|                            |022|                            |
|023|                            |023|                            |
|024| This is my first           |024|                            |
|025| real attempt to            |025|                            |
|026| track celtic folk music.   |026|                            |
|027| Hopefully I succeeded.     |027|                            |
|028|                            |028|                            |
|029| Sample credits             |029|                            |
|030| must go to:                |030|                            |
|031|                            |031|                            |
|032| Audiomonster               |032|                            |
|033| Warder                     |033|                            |
|034| Awesome                    |034|                            |
|035| Korg X5D                   |035|                            |
|036| Korg Trinity               |036|                            |
|037|                            |037|                            |
|038| _________________________  |038|                            |
|039|                            |039|                            |
|040| (c)1999 Carl Larsson       |040|                            |
|041| (Nightbeat)                |041|                            |
|042|                            |042|                            |
|043|                            |043|                            |
|044|                            |044|                            |
|045|                            |045|                            |
|046|                            |046|                            |
+---+----------------------------+047|                            |
                                 |048|                            |
                                 |049|                            |
                                 |050|                            |
                                 |051|                            |
                                 |052|                            |
                                 |053|                            |