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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Weapon Trainer Fighter II Custom / Concept 1.9 Download file

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               Weapon Trainer

    This is a little level that I made to help you get good at dodging
weapon attacks.


   -2 more weapons added
   -Bouncers and the two way missles
   -Exit Way(THat pink thingy lets you go out)

   Note to all:
   Play this in Treasure only.
   If you play this in battle, ctf, coop or race, that does not count.


    My next projects:

    CTF Flag Bug Controller: This program turns off the CTF Flag bug!
    in this proggy, if you turn it on, the ctf bug keeps going on and on!
If off, it's
    gone. If you turn on the CTF bug when there hasn't been someone
captured the flag, you
    will get Access Violation! Becareful!

    Super Kicker 1.1:

    A big program that let's other people in your server kick people off.
Just choose their
    name in the "Person Kicker" and viola! You have the kicker activated!
Start kicking!

                 This level was created by Fighter II
                 Date: 09/21/09
                 Questions, comments, help, or anything you like?
                 E-Mail me at