Name | Author | Game Mode | Rating | |||||
Hellfire | FawFul | Battle | 9.7 |
const bool MLLESetupSuccessful = MLLE::Setup(); ///@MLLE-Generated
#include "MLLE-Include-1.5.asc" ///@MLLE-Generated
#pragma require "ezhf-MLLE-Data-2.j2l" ///@MLLE-Generated
#pragma require "ezhf-MLLE-Data-1.j2l" ///@MLLE-Generated
#pragma require "ezhf.j2l" ///@MLLE-Generated
#pragma require "SEroller.asc"
#include "SEroller.asc"
se::DefaultWeaponHook weaponHook;
jjPAL LavaFall;
jjPAL LavaFloor;
bool sprited;
uint sprite;
int glowValue;
void onLevelLoad() {
se::roller.loadSamples(array<SOUND::Sample> = {SOUND::P2_FART});
se::roller.setAsWeapon(3, weaponHook);
jjWeapons[WEAPON::ICE].allowed = jjWeapons[WEAPON::ICE].allowedPowerup = true;
generateCustomSpringSprites(jjAnimSets[ANIM::CUSTOM[0]], array<uint> = {40, 88, 48});
turnIntoCustomSpring(jjObjectPresets[OBJECT::FROZENSPRING], 0, 14.8f, false);
turnIntoCustomSpring(jjObjectPresets[OBJECT::HORREDSPRING], 1, 28.f, false);
turnIntoCustomSpring(jjObjectPresets[OBJECT::HORGREENSPRING], 2, 15.f, false);
for (int i = 1; i < 255; i++) {
if (jjObjectPresets[i].playerHandling == HANDLING::PICKUP && i != 72) {
jjObjectPresets[i].behavior = CannotBeShotDown;
jjWeapons[WEAPON::GUN8].spread = SPREAD::NORMAL;
jjObjectPresets[OBJECT::FIREBALLBULLETPU].var[6] = 8 + 16;
jjObjectPresets[OBJECT::FIRESHIELDBULLET].counterEnd = 80;
jjObjectPresets[OBJECT::BOUNCERPOWERUP].direction = -1;
jjObjectPresets[OBJECT::FULLENERGY].behavior = CantBeBuried;
jjObjectPresets[OBJECT::BOUNCERBULLET].behavior = bouncer;
jjANIMATION@ anim = jjAnimations[jjAnimSets[ANIM::SNOW] + 0];
for (uint j = 0; j < anim.frameCount; j++) {
jjANIMFRAME@ frame = jjAnimFrames[anim + j];
jjPIXELMAP sprite(frame);
for (uint x = 0; x < sprite.width; ++x) {
for (uint y = 0; y < sprite.height; ++y) {
if (sprite[x,y] != 0) sprite[x,y] = 0;
void onLevelBegin() {
jjTexturedBGFadePositionY = 0.55;
LavaFall.gradient(255, 240, 170, 240, 87, 36, 112, 16, 1.0);
LavaFloor.gradient(255, 240, 170, 240, 87, 36, 208, 22, .8);
//Turn trigger scenery into one way events
for (int x = 0; x < jjLayerWidth[4]; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < jjLayerHeight[4]; y++) {
if (jjEventGet(x, y) == OBJECT::TRIGGERSCENERY && jjParameterGet(x, y, 0, 5) == 5) {
jjEventSet(x, y, AREA::ONEWAY);
/*for (int i = 2665; i <= 2668; i++) {
jjPIXELMAP lavaGlow(i);
for (uint x = 0; x < lavaGlow.width; ++x) {
for (uint y = 0; y < lavaGlow.height; ++y) {
lavaGlow[x,y] = int((y + ((i-2665)*32))*1.5);
}, true);
jjANIMSET@ anim;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
jjANIMSET@ custom = jjAnimSets[ANIM::CUSTOM[i]];
if (custom == 0) {
@anim = @custom;
if (sprited = anim !is null) {
jjPIXELMAP image(4, 128);
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
int alpha = int(i*1.5);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
image[j, i] = alpha;
jjANIMFRAME@ frame = jjAnimFrames[sprite = jjAnimations[anim.allocate(array<uint>(1, 1))]];;
frame.hotSpotX = -2;
frame.hotSpotY = -128;
jjANIMATION@ animRoller = jjAnimations[jjAnimSets[ANIM::CUSTOM[99] + 0]];
for (uint j = 0; j < animRoller.frameCount; j++) {
jjANIMFRAME@ frame = jjAnimFrames[animRoller + j];
jjPIXELMAP sprite(frame);
for (uint x = 0; x < sprite.width; ++x) {
for (uint y = 0; y < sprite.height; ++y) {
if (sprite[x,y] >= 16 && sprite[x,y] <= 23) sprite[x,y] += 24;
void onDrawLayer6(jjPLAYER@ play, jjCANVAS@ canvas) {
if (!jjLowDetail && jjColorDepth == 16) {
int end = int(play.cameraX) + jjSubscreenWidth + 2;
int bottom = 106*32;
for (int i = int(play.cameraX) & ~3 | 2; i < end; i += 4) {
if (sprited)
canvas.drawSpriteFromCurFrame(i, bottom, sprite, 0, SPRITE::ALPHAMAP, glowValue);
canvas.drawRectangle(i - 2, bottom, 4, -128, glowValue, SPRITE::BLEND_NORMAL, 64);
void onMain() {
array<jjLAYER@> layers = jjLayerOrderGet();
layers[0].xOffset += 1.6f;
layers[1].xOffset += 1.6f;
layers[2].xOffset += 1.1f;
layers[11].xOffset += 0.6f;
if (layers[0].xOffset % (layers[0].widthReal*32) == 0) layers[0].xOffset = 0;
if (layers[1].xOffset % (layers[1].widthReal*32) == 0) layers[1].xOffset = 0;
if (layers[2].xOffset % (layers[2].widthReal*32) == 0) layers[2].xOffset = 0;
if (layers[11].xOffset % (layers[11].widthReal*32) == 0) layers[11].xOffset = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < jjObjectCount; i++) {
jjOBJ@ obj = jjObjects[i];
if (obj.eventID == OBJECT::GUN9POWERUP) {
obj.direction = obj.xPos < (jjLayerWidth[4]*32)/2? -1:0;
jjIsSnowingOutdoorsOnly = true;
jjIsSnowing = true;
jjSnowingType = SNOWING::SNOW;
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
jjPARTICLE@ particle = jjParticles[i];
if (particle !is null && i > 0 && particle.type == PARTICLE::SNOW) {
if (jjRandom()%90 == 0) {
if (jjRandom()%15 == 0) {
jjPARTICLE@ ember = jjAddParticle(PARTICLE::FIRE);
if (ember !is null) {
ember.xPos = particle.xPos;
ember.yPos = particle.yPos;
particle.xPos = 0;
particle.yPos = 0;
particle.xSpeed = 0;
particle.ySpeed = 0;
particle.type = PARTICLE::INACTIVE;
particle.isActive = false;
//jjAlert("destroyed particle " + i); //do not uncomment this!!!!!
void onPlayer(jjPLAYER@ play) {
p.powerup[WEAPON::ICE] = true;
if (play.shieldTime > 30*70) {
play.shieldTime = 30*70;
//can walk on lava with shield
if (jjEventGet(int(play.xPos/32), int((play.yPos+16)/32)) == AREA::PATH) {
if (play.shieldType != SHIELD::FIRE) play.hurt(1, false);
for (int i = 1; i < jjObjectCount; i++) {
if (jjObjects[i].isActive && jjObjects[i].eventID == OBJECT::COPTER && jjObjects[i].state == STATE::FLY) {
//Only set the counter if it's available to take
jjObjects[i].counter = 0;
if (jjObjects[i].var[4] == 0)
jjObjects[i].state = STATE::DONE;
if ((jjGameTicks % 3) > 0) return;
glowValue = 226 + int(jjSin((jjGameTicks*5)) * 4);
jjPalette = MLLE::Palette;
jjPalette.copyFrom(112, 16, 112, LavaFall, jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * .5 + .5);
jjPalette.copyFrom(208, 22, 208, LavaFloor, jjSin((jjGameTicks)*2) * .13 + .52);
jjPalette.fill(203, 55, 0, 1, 94, play.yPos / (jjLayerHeight[4] * 32) / 4);
jjPalette.fill(203, 55, 0, 96, 7, play.yPos / (jjLayerHeight[4] * 32) / 6);
jjPalette.fill(203, 55, 0, 104, 7, play.yPos / (jjLayerHeight[4] * 32) / 6);
jjPalette.fill(203, 55, 0, 112, 14, play.yPos / (jjLayerHeight[4] * 32) / 6);
jjPalette.fill(203, 55, 0, 128, 14, play.yPos / (jjLayerHeight[4] * 32) / 6);
jjPalette.fill(203, 55, 0, 144, 14, play.yPos / (jjLayerHeight[4] * 32) / 6);
jjPalette.fill(203, 55, 0, 160, 14, play.yPos / (jjLayerHeight[4] * 32) / 6);
jjPalette.fill(203, 55, 0, 208, 45, play.yPos / (jjLayerHeight[4] * 32) / 6);
jjPalette.fill(int(203 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*20) * 30 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*10) * 20 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * 10),
int(55 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*20) * 6 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*10) * 5 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * 2),
0, 96, 7, 0.1);
jjPalette.fill(int(203 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*20) * 30 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*10) * 20 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * 10),
int(55 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*20) * 6 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*10) * 5 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * 2),
0, 104, 7, 0.1);
jjPalette.fill(int(203 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*20) * 30 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*10) * 20 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * 10),
int(55 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*20) * 6 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*10) * 5 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * 2),
0, 144, 10, 0.2);
jjPalette.fill(int(203 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*20) * 30 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*10) * 20 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * 10),
int(55 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*20) * 6 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*10) * 5 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * 2),
0, 160, 12, 0.2);
jjPalette.fill(int(205 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*20) * 30 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*10) * 20 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * 10),
int(120 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*20) * 20 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*10) * 10 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * 5),
int(40 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*20) * 10 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*10) * 5 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * 3),
189, 7, 0.2);
jjPalette.fill(int(170 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*20) * 30 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*10) * 20 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * 10),
int(40 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*20) * 6 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*10) * 4 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * 2),
int(15 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*20) * 4 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*10) * 2 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*5) * 1),
197, 3, 0.1);
int(110 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*1) * 15),
int(26 + jjSin((jjGameTicks)*1) * 4),
jjTexturedBGFadePositionY = 0.6 + jjSin((jjGameTicks) / 5) * .05;
void onPlayerInput(jjPLAYER@ play) {
void onReceive(jjSTREAM &in packet, int clientID) {
weaponHook.processPacket(packet, clientID);
bool onDrawAmmo(jjPLAYER@ play, jjCANVAS@ canvas) {
return weaponHook.drawAmmo(play, canvas);
void onFunction0(jjPLAYER@ play) {
jjObjects[ - 1].counter = 0;
jjANIMSET@ customSpringSprite;
array<int> fastCustomSpringSpeeds(jjLocalPlayerCount);
bool generateCustomSpringSprites(jjANIMSET@ anim, const array<uint> &in colors) {
int length = colors.length();
bool success = (@customSpringSprite = anim).allocate(array<uint>(length * 3, 5)) !is null;
if (success) {
uint srcSet = jjAnimSets[ANIM::SPRING];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
uint color = colors[i];
uint destAnimOffset = anim + i * 3;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
uint srcAnim = jjAnimations[srcSet + j];
uint destAnim = jjAnimations[destAnimOffset + j];
for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
jjPIXELMAP image(jjAnimFrames[destAnim + k] = jjAnimFrames[srcAnim + k]);
int width = image.width;
int height = image.height;
for (int l = 0; l < height; l++) {
for (int m = 0; m < width; m++) {
int pixel = image[m, l];
if (pixel >= 32 && pixel < 40)
image[m, l] = color + (pixel & 7);
if (![destAnim + k]))
return false;
return success;
void initializeCustomSpring(jjOBJ@ obj) {
int anim = obj.curAnim;
obj.behave(obj.behavior = BEHAVIOR::SPRING, false);
if (obj.curAnim != anim) {
obj.curAnim = anim + 2;
void turnIntoCustomSpring(jjOBJ@ obj, uint color, float power, bool horizontal) {
if (horizontal) {
obj.xSpeed = power;
obj.ySpeed = 0.f;
} else {
obj.xSpeed = 0.f;
obj.ySpeed = -power;
if (obj.state == STATE::START && obj.creatorType == CREATOR::LEVEL) {
int x = int(obj.xPos) >> 5;
int y = int(obj.yPos) >> 5;
if (jjParameterGet(x, y, 0, 1) != 0) {
jjParameterSet(x, y, 0, 1, 0);
obj.yPos -= 4.f;
obj.ySpeed = power;
obj.behavior = initializeCustomSpring;
obj.curAnim = customSpringSprite + color * 3 + (horizontal ? 1 : 0); = obj.frameID = obj.freeze = obj.justHit = obj.light = obj.points = 0;
obj.isBlastable = obj.isTarget = obj.scriptedCollisions = obj.triggersTNT = false;
obj.deactivates = obj.isFreezable = true;
obj.bulletHandling = HANDLING::IGNOREBULLET;
obj.playerHandling = HANDLING::SPECIAL;
obj.lightType = LIGHT::NORMAL;
void CannotBeShotDown(jjOBJ@ obj) {
if (obj.state == STATE::FLOATFALL) obj.state = STATE::FLOAT;
void CantBeBuried(jjOBJ@ obj) {
if (jjMaskedPixel(int(obj.xPos), int(obj.yPos) + 8) && obj.xPos > 50*32 && obj.xPos < 57*32) {
obj.state = STATE::FLOAT;
void bouncer(jjOBJ@ obj) {
float xSpeed = obj.xSpeed;
float ySpeed = obj.ySpeed;
if (xSpeed * obj.xSpeed < 0.f && ySpeed * obj.ySpeed < 0.f) {
if (!jjMaskedPixel(int(obj.xPos + obj.xSpeed), int(obj.yPos + ySpeed))) {
obj.var[0] = obj.var[0] - 1;
obj.ySpeed = ySpeed;
if (ySpeed > 0.f)
obj.yPos += ySpeed;
Jazz2Online © 1999-INFINITY (Site Credits). We have a Privacy Policy. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Jazz Jackrabbit Advance and all related trademarks and media are ™ and © Epic Games. Lori Jackrabbit is © Dean Dodrill. J2O development powered by Loops of Fury and Chemical Beats.
Eat your lima beans, Johnny.