Downloads containing JazzCity.txt

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TSF Only: Jazz City Jazz2Online Battle one starone star Download file

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This is my first shot at making my own Jazz2 level over
the internet. Me and my pals have tested it and found no
errors in it.

For all of those people that like a challenge for both sides
in a battle level, I've got your number

Three hints for the level:
* Be spaz. Just take my word for it
* Use weapons carefully. You run out of ammo quick!
* Head to the taco restaraunt on the left side of the city!

Two dares for this level:
* Find 'Jazz City Burgers' in this level.
* Defeat your opponent solely in the weapons building


Author: i luv u guys
Beta tested by: Frank Kloster
Level width: 155
Level heght: 40
Type: Battle