Downloads containing SpazTown.txt

Name Author Game Mode Rating
TSF Only: SpazTown Jazz2Online Battle one starone star Download file

File preview

         a CrazyClan Level
   ========   ========  ========  =      =  ======
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   ========   ========  ========    ====    =


First I want to thank you for downloading this level, it's the first step
of liking it :)

This level is made by zzzup, member of the CrazyClan (info about CC below).

The tileset is made by Haze and Kaven, so I suppose a small part of the
credits belong to them?

I'm sorry I had to put a password on the level, it's not because I don't
want you to learn from
the good stuff (and/or the mistakes I made) but because I down't want
somebody else to mess
with the level that I put so much work in...



The CrazyClan is run by nutkens, zzzup's (younger) brother. Everybody is
free to join!
But why should you join CC, when there are SO MANY other clans out there?
Well, we've got these facts to prove WE'RE BETTER!!!

- you can have your own page with your member info on the CrazyClan website
- you wil receive all the good maps clan members get their hands on
- you can keep your original colors (!!!)
- you don't have to quit your old clan to join the CrazyClan
- you wil get all internet adresses of good Jazz2 websites
- there are no annoying rules you have to listen to like in other clans 
- the only thing we ask is to add cc in front of your name
- you wil receive good tilesets
- you wil receive good theme packs
- you wil receive a room in the CrazyClan Level (a level made by nutkens,
NOT SpazTown)

Still not convinced? Visit the CrazyClan website for more (and updated)
information at
