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TSF Only: Jazzin' in a Jungle Roaster Capture the flag one starone starone star Download file

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======================                                     Jazzin' in a

(Tileset Used)                       Jungle2
(Music Used)                         hell.j2b
(Dimensions)                         100x55
(Type)                               CTF
(Author)                             Roaster of J2LC, Leader of the NbroneZ
(ICQ #)                              Check the Contact List, Lazy one..

                                  Comments 'bout the Level             
Let's See, I've had the idea for the level in my head for a while but never
actually tried to make it. One day, I was really bored and just started
making it, But it proved harder than I thought because the Dumb CTF base
wouldn't fit anywhere! After Lots of grief I finally found It worked well
with the Hut, I felt like the luckiest person on earth! After finding out
that most events don't work on the edge of a level I put alternatives in.
When I first thought up the level I was going to have vines, but like
BloodBunny, I soon found out it wouldn't work. Testing my level ALOT, I
realized that some of the masks were screwed up so then I had to change
some things on the level AGAIN! Take All of that with the fact that my
little brother wouldn't stop bothering me until I changed it and you got
Jazzin' in a Jungle. (Not anything like the original) =)

                                      Where the secrets are..


Dethman      - Cool Jazz2City guy who likes to criticize me =)
Wakeman      - Awesome Level Tester and considered a friend, Does J2C
Martin       - Likes to Party, Need I say more? (Good Friend and Tester)
Meowth       - My best friend in the 'Real World', Tests my Levels
Cap'n Spam   - Local Superhero
RockyRacoon  - He's Stuff and Stuff is Good =P
CoolMon      - Fellow J2C Employee, Good Friend
Mattiemo     - (Read Above)
Gizmo SPW    - Cool Guy, Don't know him well, Does he know I exist?
CHAOSMAN     - He's just in here
klrICEMAN    - Got me in my first clan, Taught me alot.
Charge       - Good Friend
Alienator    - Charge's Bro, Must be a friend =)
LeSmash!     - Funny and cool, Good Friend
        Kiara        - LeSmash!'s little sis, She's nice and I consider her
a friend..
        Tobias       - Pretty Cool All-Around =)
MeZ          - Don't know him, he makes cool Tilesets though.
Dark MooGoo  - Funny, Cool, Friend. =)
BloodBunny   - I admire his level making skills
Admeal       - She's nice, I consider her a friend.
Bluez        - Doesn't the name say it all?

All Da other people on the JMMB.....................

'Til Next Time, Cya!
        |\ o a s t e r
        \    /
         \/\/ w w . j a z z 2 c i t y . c o m
        |\  /|
        | \/ | b i x l e r @ M i n d s p r i n g . c o m
        |   r e p a r e  f o r  s o m e  A c t i o n !