Downloads containing MEZ01J2T.TXT

Name Author Game Mode Rating
TSF Only: Outland 4 - Glass Act! Jazz2Online Capture the flag one starone starone star Download file

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Here's a tileset for Jazz Jackrabbit 2. I tried to create something that's
easy to use - see for yourself if I succeeded. There's also a Capture The
Flag level (standalone version) I added to try it out.

A few tips:

- Some of the blocks also work well when you flip them horizontally.
- Use layers 4 and 3 to overlay certain tiles and thus create new ones.
- The bluish cloud background can be used in "warped" mode. (8-Bit, too.)
- There are 5 background tiles (those with the thin grooves) that can be
  connected randomly.
- Take a quick look at the demolevel (mezctf04).
- Finally, remember those who play in lower resolutions (like 320x400)!

Filename: mez01.j2t
Length:   36593 Bytes
Size:     320x960 pix -> 300 tiles     

Filename: mezctf04.j2l
Length:   8740 Bytes
Size:     168x72 (Layer 4)

If you have comments or suggestions, try to let me know.