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TSF Only: Super Level Pack Atmcdragon Single player one star Download file

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       Atmcdragons super lvls

Story:(everthing needs a story DUH!)

One lovely afternoon Jazz and spaz were exploring
the carrotus cave,the biggest cave in da whole planet
at the entrance,they started off!As soon as they 
got to the heart of the cave,a HUGE explostion
blasted!Rivers of Lava came out,and so did the lengdary
gold carrot!Then 2 weird looking turtles came out and so did Devan shell!
"I see that you met my brothers,Spurtle&slasher."
Then spurtle took the gold carrot,and ran out
"My plan is that I am taking the gold carrot to make my spaceship go,
so I can find a planet,and claim it for turtles and start a civilzation!"
Then the turtles all blocked the way out and ran to their base!
Uh oh!Looks like our heros need some help!
Well here's the LVL layout!

Carrotus cave inferno-A real Blast,see if you can find a way outta here!!!

Devan's space inc.-battle the brothers in the biggest space ship ever!!!!

Planet skyrock-Devan's targeting this planet for the huge jungle,Find him
and stop his madness
for good!Watch out for hungry animals!
HOME--Ride the space ship to carrotus!

After story:(Don't read this till after you finsh the lvls,or you will
spoil it!)
Well seems that jazz & spaz saved the world again,But what happened to
Well he landed on the same planet Devan was stuck on and his rocket thing
and of course,a dragon came and chased them!Jazz and spaz recovered the
golden carrot and
Put it back in the carrotus cave(It was built back)And they were awarded
with 78 billion dollers
and was given a mansion!!

  LVL pack coming soon:The rival!

   Spiecal thanx to the testers!!!!!!

       And have the greatest Summer ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     From the atomic wonder:Atmcdragon!