Downloads containing Headbanging Demo.txt

Name Author Game Mode Rating
TSF Only: Lost in the Lab Jazz2Online Single player one starone starone star Download file

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Welcome to the demo of Headbanging Hare, a new episode by the 

L       OOO    SSSS  TTTTT      I  N   N
L      O   O  S        T        I  NN  N  
L      O O O   SSS     T        I  N N N
L      O   O      S    T        I  N  NN
LLLLL   OOO   SSSS     T        I  N   N 

TTTTT  H   H  EEEEE     L        A    BBBB
  T    H   H  E         L       A A   B   B
  T    HHHHH  EEEE      L      A   A  BBBB
  T    H   H  E         L      AAAAA  B   B
  T    H   H  EEEEE     LLLLL  A   A  BBBB

An alternative training level

The mERRY mEN are:
Robin Hare
Little Roel

none yet

Jazz and Spaz find something, but somebody takes it. They have to go 
somewhere to retrieve it. (that's right, we don't have a story yet)
Suckers and Tea Cats are involved. Plus the Queen.
Watch out for Headbanging Hare, in cinemas near you soon!

This zip file contains some screenshots from Headbanging Hare.
You need Acrobat Reader to view them.

Robin Hare.

Come to the Merry warzone! Jazz Internet server playing new Merry 
battlezones! Saturdays from 7 to 8 (GMT).