Downloads containing ReadThis.txt

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TSF Only: Coin Chase Jazz2Online Treasure hunt one starone starone star Download file

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By Comp. Nerd 
This level is pretty difficult to get the gems. Know why? Because I
put the gems in a bonus level. That's why it's called "Coin Chase".
There is like about 85 coins and you need 50 to go to the buried
treasure. here are a couple of secrets.

Secret 1: Go to the left from Jazz's start position(if Spaz's, right).
          go into the first tube you see. Then go in the next tube
          on the right. You see the coin up there? That's what you're
          trying to get but the springs will bounce you back and
          forth. Then when your on the vine, fall off and go to
          the far left.

Secret 2: This isn't really a secret, but it's where the bonus warp
          is. Go right at Jazz's start position. Go on the copter
          and go straight up. Then go left and shoot the blocks.
          There will be a sign saying "Welcome to the Coin Puzzle."
          Go past it and follow the path 'til you see a red spring.
          It will bounce you into a room with to spring crates.
          Shoot the left one and bounce on it. It will bounce you.
          into a tube which will bring you to a coin. Fall into the
          gap at the right. Then go left and you'll find some 
          conveyner belts. Follow then till you get to a sign.
          The sign will say "Shoot the crate to exit the Coin
          Puzzle." Don't listen to it and just continue right.
          You found it! But you have to have 50 coins. Sorry! 

Secret 3: Go through the path to get secret one but don't fall.
          Off the vine. Just continue on right until you find
          A Pepper Spray Powerup. Continue right from that. 
          You soon find a warp post. Jump over it from the shiny
          floor held by pipes and you find a secret. Continue right.
          It contains 2 coins and an Electro-Blaster Powerup.

There is more secrets but i'm gonna let you find them yourself.

If there's any glitches or problems. E-mail me at