Downloads containing Dis15.txt

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TSF Only: You Need PRACTICE!!!!! Disguise Race one starone starone star Download file

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Level name=You need PRACTICE!!! (Dis15.j2l)

Level author=Disguise

Level type=Race

Level size=256x30

Files included in this .zip file=
*Dis15.j2l (the level)
*Dis15.txt (what are you looking at right now?!?!)

Known bugs=none

O.K because basically no-one of you will be able to do
the blind maze here is a tip.
The maze is just a tunnel at the bottom leading to 3 other tunnels going
All three of these tunnels have lots of turns inside them.
The tunnel in the middle leads to the exit.

Another tip:
Look at all the holes where the springs are...big shortcut there