Downloads containing Dracula's Mansion.mod

Name Author Game Mode Rating
TSF Only: Mez Fall Jazz2Online Battle one starone starone star Download file

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|##| Sample Name            |
|01| strings4.smp           |
|02| boe3.smp               |
|03| bdrum28.smp            |
|04| boe0.smp               |
|05| oybongo2.073           |
|06| kick.smp               |
|07|                        |
|08| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- |
|09| CastleVania II:        |
|10| Simon's Quest (NES)    |
|11| (Konami) (c)1988       |
|12| Dracula's Mansion      |
|13| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- |
|14|                        |
|15| The specific tune you  |
|16| are listening to is    |
|17| the tune you hear      |
|18| within the bowls of    |
|19| Dracula's Mansion in   |
|20| CastleVania II.  To me |
|21| this tune is quite     |
|22| appropriate for the    |
|23| area since if you are  |
|24| not careful, you will  |
|25| be walking into a very |
|26| untimely and quick     |
|27| death. :o              |
|28|                        |
|29| Questions?  You can    |
|30| find me on the EFnet.  |
|31| VmprHntrD 5-20-97      |