Downloads containing BELOW0.TXT

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TSF Only: Below Zero Bunny Jazz2Online Single player one starone starone star Download file

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kbelow.j2l  "Below Zero Bunny"  also includes
kjewel.j2l  "Jewel Of The Jazz" and
terrturt.j2l  "Terrible Turtles."

Below Zero Bunny is a Holiday Hare flashback using the tileset re-worked by
Astronia.  It's arranged to look like three levels in one with different
color tiles and different enemies in each "sub-level."  There are plenty of
weapons, enough food for a couple of sugar rushes, and a plethora of
treasures.  Level jumps to "Jewel Of The Jazz" upon completion.

Ken Burns

P.S.  I NEVER use JCS passwords!  I hate 'em!  If you wanna improve on my
level or use it has a template, feel free and have fun with it.

John 3:16