Name | Author | Game Mode | Rating | |||||
Multi-Layer Level Editor... | Violet CLM | Utility | 9.6 |
0=Enemies |-
1=Environment |+
2=Gameplay |+
3=Pickups |+
0=Bad guys |Enemy |Enemies |-
1=End bosses |Boss |Enemies |-
2=Lighting |Light |Environment |+
3=Object |Object |Environment |+
4=Pinball |Pinball |Environment |+
5=Platforms |Platform|Environment |-
6=Scenery |Scenery |Environment |+
7=Springs |Spring |Environment |+
8=Area |Area |Gameplay |+
9=Modifier |Modifier|Gameplay |+
10=Morph |Morph |Gameplay |+
11=Sign post |SignPost|Gameplay |+
12=Sound |Sound |Gameplay |+
13=Start pos |StartPos|Gameplay |+
14=Triggers & Scenery|Trigger |Gameplay |+
15=Ammo |Ammo |Pickups |+
16=Food |Food |Pickups |+
17=Gems |Gem |Pickups |+
18=Goodies |Goodies |Pickups |+
19=Power-Ups |PowerUp |Pickups |+
20=Shields |Shield |Pickups |+
; The format of an event is as follows: ID=Verbose Name|Multiplayer Compatible (+ or -)|Subcategory|Name top row|Name bottom row|zero or more parameters
; A single parameter follows the format of name, then possible options, separated by a colon. Here are the various formats for possible options:
; Positive number x: any number between 0 and (2^x)-1 is allowed. Takes up x bits.
; Negative number x: any number between -(2^(x-1)) and (2^(x-1))-1 is allowed. Takes up x bits.
; c, followed by a number x: a checkbox. Takes up x bits, only the first of which will be written to.
; t, followed by a number x: a dropdown box of any of the first (2^x) text strings. Takes up x bits.
; s, followed by a number x: ambient sounds from the anims.j2a file. Takes up x bits.
; p, followed by a number x and a number y: a dropdown box of the first (2^y-1) pipe-separated strings in text string (value of parameter x). Takes up y bits.
; A pair of curly braces {} with a comma-delimited list inside, followed by a number x: dropdown box of those options, of length (2^x). Takes up x bits.
1=One Way |+|Modifier |One |Way
2=Hurt |+|Modifier |Hurt
3=Vine |+|Modifier |Vine
4=Hook |+|Object |Hook
5=Slide |+|Modifier |Slide
6=H-Pole |+|Object |H-Pole
7=V-Pole |+|Object |V-Pole
8=Area Fly Off |+|Modifier |Fly |Off
9=Ricochet |+|Modifier |Rico |chet
10=Belt Right |+|Modifier |Belt |Right |Speed:-8
11=Belt Left |+|Modifier |Belt |Left |Speed:-8
12=Acc Belt R |+|Modifier |Belt |AccR |Speed:-8
13=Acc Belt L |+|Modifier |Belt |AccL |Speed:-8
14=Stop Enemy |+|Modifier |Stop |Enemy
15=Wind Left |+|Modifier |Wind |Left |Speed:-8
16=Wind Right |+|Modifier |Wind |Right |Speed:-8
17=Area End Of Level |+|Area |End |Area |Secret:1
18=Area Warp EOL |+|Area |End |Warp
19=Area Revert Morph |+|Area |Revert |Morph
20=Area Float Up |+|Area |Float |Up
21=Trigger Rock |+|Trigger |Trig |Rock |RockID:8
22=Dim Light |+|Light |Dim |Light
23=Set Light |+|Light |Set |Light |Intensity:8
24=Limit X Scroll |+|Modifier |Stop |Xscroll
25=Reset Light |+|Light |Reset |Light
26=Area Warp Secret |+|Area |Warp |Secret |Coins:10
27=Echo |+|Sound |Echo | |Amount:8
28=Activate Boss |+|Boss |Active |Boss |Music:1
29=Jazz Level Start |+|StartPos |Jazz |Start |Pos:4
30=Spaz Level Start |+|StartPos |Spaz |Start |Pos:4
31=Multiplayer Level Start |+|StartPos |MP |Start |Team:1
32=Lori Level Start |+|StartPos |Lori |Start |Pos:4
33=Freezer Ammo+3 |+|Ammo |Gun2 |Am+3
34=Bouncer Ammo+3 |+|Ammo |Gun3 |Am+3
35=Seeker Ammo+3 |+|Ammo |Gun4 |Am+3
36=3Way Ammo+3 |+|Ammo |Gun5 |Am+3
37=Toaster Ammo+3 |+|Ammo |Gun6 |Am+3
38=TNT Ammo+3 |+|Ammo |TNT |Am+3
39=Gun8 Ammo+3 |+|Ammo |Gun8 |Am+3
40=Gun9 Ammo+3 |+|Ammo |Gun9 |Am+3
41=Still Turtleshell |+|Object |Turtle |Shell
42=Swinging Vine |-|Object |Swing |Vine
43=Bomb |+|Object |Bomb
44=Silver Coin |+|Goodies |Silver |Coin
45=Gold Coin |+|Goodies |Gold |Coin
46=Gun crate |+|Ammo |Gun |Crate |ExtraEvent:8|NumEvent:4|RandomFly:1
47=Carrot crate |+|Goodies |Carrot |Crate |ExtraEvent:8|NumEvent:4|RandomFly:1
48=1Up crate |+|Goodies |1up |Crate |ExtraEvent:8|NumEvent:4|RandomFly:1
49=Gem barrel |+|Gem |Gem |Barrel |Red:4|Green:4|Blue:4|Purple:4
50=Carrot barrel |+|Goodies |Carrot |Barrel
51=1up barrel |+|Goodies |1up |Barrel
52=Bomb Crate |+|Goodies |Bomb |Crate |ExtraEvent:8|NumEvent:4|RandomFly:1
53=Freezer Ammo+15 |+|Ammo |Gun2 |Am+15
54=Bouncer Ammo+15 |+|Ammo |Gun3 |Am+15
55=Seeker Ammo+15 |+|Ammo |Gun4 |Am+15
56=3Way Ammo+15 |+|Ammo |Gun5 |Am+15
57=Toaster Ammo+15 |+|Ammo |Gun6 |Am+15
58=TNT (armed explosive, no pickup) |+|Object |TNT
59=Airboard |+|Object |Air |Board
60=Frozen Green Spring |+|Spring |Frozen |Spring |Ceiling:1|Keep X-Speed:1|Keep Y-Speed:1|Delay (secs):4
61=Gun Fast Fire |+|PowerUp |Fast |Fire
62=Spring Crate |+|Spring |Spring |Crate |ExtraEvent:8|NumEvent:4|RandomFly:1
63=Red Gem +1 |+|Gem |Red |Gem
64=Green Gem +1 |+|Gem |Green |Gem
65=Blue Gem +1 |+|Gem |Blue |Gem
66=Purple Gem +1 |+|Gem |Purple |Gem
67=Super Red Gem |+|Gem |Super |Gem
68=Birdy |-|Object |Bird | |Chuck:1
69=Gun Barrel |+|Ammo |Gun |Barrel
70=Gem Crate |+|Gem |Gem |Crate |Red:4|Green:4|Blue:4|Purple:4
71=Jazz<->Spaz |+|Morph |Jazz |Spaz
72=Carrot Energy +1 |+|Goodies |Carrot
73=Full Energy |+|Goodies |Full |NRG
74=Fire Shield |+|Shield |Shield |Fire
75=Water Shield |+|Shield |Shield |Water
76=Lightning Shield |+|Shield |Shield |Light
77=Max weapon |+|PowerUp |Max |Weapon
78=Auto fire |+|PowerUp |Auto |Fire
79=Fast Feet |+|Goodies |Fast |Feet
80=Extra Live |+|Goodies |Extra |Live
81=End of Level signpost |-|SignPost |End |Level |Secret:1
82=EMPTY |+| |DON'T |USE
83=Save point signpost |+|SignPost |Save |Point
84=Bonus Level signpost |-|SignPost |Bonus |Level
85=Red Spring |+|Spring |Red |Spring |Ceiling:1|Keep X-Speed:1|Keep Y-Speed:1|Delay (secs):4
86=Green Spring |+|Spring |Green |Spring |Ceiling:1|Keep X-Speed:1|Keep Y-Speed:1|Delay (secs):4
87=Blue Spring |+|Spring |Blue |Spring |Ceiling:1|Keep X-Speed:1|Keep Y-Speed:1|Delay (secs):4
88=Invincibility |+|Goodies |Invinc
89=Extra Time |+|Goodies |Extra |Time
90=Freeze Enemies |+|Goodies |Freeze
91=Hor Red Spring |+|Spring |H-Red |Spring |Empty:1|Keep X-Speed:1|Keep Y-Speed:1|Delay:4
92=Hor Green Spring |+|Spring |H-Green|Spring |Empty:1|Keep X-Speed:1|Keep Y-Speed:1|Delay:4
93=Hor Blue Spring |+|Spring |H-Blue |Spring |Empty:1|Keep X-Speed:1|Keep Y-Speed:1|Delay:4
94=Morph Into Bird |-|Morph |Bird |Morph
95=Scenery Trigger Crate |+|Trigger |Trig |Crate |TriggerID:5
96=Fly carrot |-|Goodies |Flyy |Boyy
97=RectGem Red |+|Gem |Red |Gem2
98=RectGem Green |+|Gem |Green |Gem2
99=RectGem Blue |+|Gem |Blue |Gem2
100=Tuf Turt |-|Enemy |Tuf |Turt
101=Tuf Boss |-|Boss |Tuf |Boss |EndText:4
102=Lab Rat |-|Enemy |Lab |Rat
103=Dragon |-|Enemy |Dra- |gon
104=Lizard |-|Enemy |Lizard
105=Bee |-|Enemy |Bum |Bee
106=Rapier |-|Enemy |Rapier
107=Sparks |-|Enemy |Sparks
108=Bat |-|Enemy |Bat
109=Sucker |-|Enemy |Suckr
110=Caterpillar |+|Enemy |Cater |Pillar
111=Cheshire1 |-|Object |Chesh |Cat1
112=Cheshire2 |-|Object |Chesh |Cat2 |Duration:8
113=Hatter |-|Enemy |Hatter
114=Bilsy Boss |-|Boss |Bilsy |Boss |EndText:4
115=Skeleton |-|Enemy |Skele- |ton
116=Doggy Dogg |-|Enemy |Doggy |Dogg
117=Norm Turtle |-|Enemy |Norm |Turt
118=Helmut |-|Enemy |Helmut
119=Leaf |+|Object |Leaf
120=Demon |-|Enemy |Demon
121=Fire |+|Scenery |Fire
122=Lava |+|Scenery |Lava
123=Dragon Fly |-|Enemy |Drag |Fly
124=Monkey |-|Enemy |Mon- |key
125=Fat Chick |-|Enemy |Fat |Chick
126=Fencer |-|Enemy |Fencer
127=Fish |-|Enemy |Fish
128=Moth |+|Scenery |Moth |Moth |Type:3
129=Steam |+|Scenery |Steam
130=Rotating Rock |-|Object |Roll |Rock |RockID:8|X-Speed:-4|Y-Speed:-4
131=Blaster PowerUp |+|PowerUp |Blastr |Power
132=Bouncy PowerUp |+|PowerUp |Bounce |Power
133=Ice gun PowerUp |+|PowerUp |Ice |Power
134=Seek PowerUp |+|PowerUp |Seek |Power
135=RF PowerUp |+|PowerUp |RF |Power
136=Toaster PowerUP |+|PowerUp |Toast |Power
137=PIN: Left Paddle |+|Pinball |Left |Pad
138=PIN: Right Paddle |+|Pinball |Right |Pad
139=PIN: 500 Bump |+|Pinball |500 |Bump
140=PIN: Carrot Bump |+|Pinball |Carrot |Bump
141=Apple |+|Food |Apple | |Speed:-8
142=Banana |+|Food |Bana- |na
143=Cherry |+|Food |Cherry
144=Orange |+|Food |Orange
145=Pear |+|Food |Pear
146=Pretzel |+|Food |Pretzel
147=Strawberry |+|Food |Straw |Berry
148=Steady Light |+|Light |Steady |Light
149=Pulze Light |+|Light |Pulze |Light |Speed:8|Sync:4
150=Flicker Light |+|Light |Flick |Light |Sample:8
151=Queen Boss |-|Boss |Boss |Queen |EndText:4
152=Floating Sucker |-|Enemy |Float |Sucker
153=Bridge |+|Object |Bridge | |Width (Tiles):4|Type:3|Toughness:4
154=Lemon |+|Food |Lemon
155=Lime |+|Food |Lime
156=Thing |+|Food |Thing
157=Watermelon |+|Food |Water |Melon
158=Peach |+|Food |Peach
159=Grapes |+|Food |Grapes
160=Lettuce |+|Food |Let- |tuce
161=Eggplant |+|Food |Egg |Plant
162=Cucumb |+|Food |Cucumb
163=Soft Drink |+|Food |Soft|Drink
164=Soda Pop |+|Food |Soda|Pop
165=Milk |+|Food |Milk
166=Pie |+|Food |Pie
167=Cake |+|Food |Cake
168=Donut |+|Food |Donut
169=Cupcake |+|Food |Cup |Cake
170=Chips |+|Food |Chips
171=Candy |+|Food |Candy
172=Chocbar |+|Food |Choc |Bar
173=Icecream |+|Food |Ice |Cream
174=Burger |+|Food |Burger
175=Pizza |+|Food |Pizza
176=Fries |+|Food |Fries
177=Chicken Leg |+|Food |Chickn |Leg
178=Sandwich |+|Food |Sand |Wich
179=Taco |+|Food |Taco
180=Weenie |+|Food |Weenie
181=Ham |+|Food |Ham
182=Cheese |+|Food |Cheese
183=Float Lizard |-|Enemy |Float |Lizard |Duration:8|Fly Away:1
184=Stand Monkey |-|Enemy |Stand |Monkey
185=Destruct Scenery |+|Trigger |Dest |Scen |Empty:10|SpeedDestr:5|Weapon:4
186=Destruct Scenery BOMB |+|Trigger |Bomb |Scen |Empty:10|Empty:5|Empty:4
187=Collapsing Scenery |+|Trigger |Collaps|Scen |Wait:10|FPS:5|Empty:4
188=ButtStomp Scenery |+|Trigger |Stomp |Scen |Empty:10|Empty:5|Empty:4
189=Invisible GemStomp |+|Gem |Gem |Stomp
190=Raven |-|Enemy |Raven
191=Tube Turtle |-|Enemy |Tube |Turt
192=Gem Ring |+|Gem |Gem |Ring |Length:5|Speed:5
193=Small Tree |+|Object |Small |Tree |Adjust Y:5|Adjust X:-6
194=Ambient Sound |+|Sound |Ambient|Sound |Sample:8|Amplify:8|Fade:1|Sine:1
195=Uterus |-|Boss |Uterus |Boss |EndText:4
196=Crab |-|Enemy |Crab
197=Witch |-|Enemy |Witch
198=Rocket Turtle |-|Enemy |Rock |Turt |EndText:4
199=Bubba |-|Boss |Bubba |Boss |EndText:4
200=Devil devan boss |-|Boss |Devil |Devan |EndText:4
201=Devan (robot boss) |-|Boss |Devan |Boss |IntroText:4|EndText:4
202=Robot (robot boss) |-|Boss |Robot |Boss
203=Carrotus pole |+|Object |Carr |Pole |Adjust Y:5|Adjust X:-6
204=Psych pole |+|Object |Psych |Pole |Adjust Y:5|Adjust X:-6
205=Diamondus pole |+|Object |Diam |Pole |Adjust Y:5|Adjust X:-6
206=Sucker Tube |+|Object |Suck | |X-Speed:-7|Y-Speed:-7|Trig Sample:3|WaitTime:3
207=Text |+|Trigger |Text | |TextID:8|Vanish:1
208=Water Level |+|Scenery |Water | |Height (Tiles):8|Instant:1
209=Fruit Platform |-|Platform |Fruit |Plat |Sync:2|Speed:-6|Length:4|Swing:1
210=Boll Platform |-|Platform |Boll |Plat |Sync:2|Speed:-6|Length:4|Swing:1
211=Grass Platform |-|Platform |Grass |Plat |Sync:2|Speed:-6|Length:4|Swing:1
212=Pink Platform |-|Platform |Pink |Plat |Sync:2|Speed:-6|Length:4|Swing:1
213=Sonic Platform |-|Platform |Sonic |Plat |Sync:2|Speed:-6|Length:4|Swing:1
214=Spike Platform |-|Platform |Spike |Plat |Sync:2|Speed:-6|Length:4|Swing:1
215=Spike Boll |-|Object |Spike |Boll |Sync:2|Speed:-6|Length:4|Swing:1
216=Generator |+|Generator |Gene- |rator |Event:8|Delay Secs:8|Initial Delay:1
217=Eva |-|Object |Eva
218=Bubbler |+|Scenery |Bubb |ler |Speed:4
219=TNT Powerup |+|PowerUp |TNT |Power
220=Gun8 Powerup |+|PowerUp |Gun8 |Power
221=Gun9 Powerup |+|PowerUp |Gun9 |Power
222=Morph Frog |-|Morph |Morph |Frog
223=3D Spike Boll |+|Object |3D |Boll |Sync:2|Speed:-6|Length:4|Swing:1|Shade:1
224=Springcord |-|Spring |Spring |Cord
225=Bees |-|Enemy |Bees | |Num:8
226=Copter |+|Object |Copter | |Duration:8
227=Laser Shield |-|Shield |Laser |Shield
228=Stopwatch |-|Object |Stop |Watch
229=Jungle Pole |+|Object |Jung |Pole |Adjust Y:5|Adjust X:-6
230=Warp |+|Area |Warp | |WarpID:8|Coins:8|SetLap:1|ShowAnim:1
231=Big Rock |+|Object |Big |Rock
232=Big Box |+|Object |Big |Box
233=Water Block |+|Scenery |Water |Block |Adjust Y:-8
234=Trigger Scenery |+|Trigger |Trig |Scen |TriggerID:5
235=Bolly Boss |-|Boss |Bolly |Boss
236=Butterfly |-|Enemy |Butter |Fly
237=BeeBoy |-|Enemy |Bee |Boy |Swarm:8
238=Snow |+|Scenery |Snow |Particles
239=EMPTY |+| |DON'T |USE
240=Warp Target |+|Area |Warp |Target |WarpID:8
241=Tweedle Boss |-|Boss |Tweedle|Boss
242=Rocket Turtle Path |-|Boss |RocT |Path |AreaID:8
243=SP Airboard |-|Object |SP |Board
244=CTF Base + Flag |+|Object |CTF |Base |Team:1|Direction:1
245=No Fire Zone |+|Area |No Fire|Zone
246=Trigger Zone |+|Trigger |Trigger|Zone |TriggerID:5|onoff:1|switch:1
247=EMPTY |-| |DON'T |USE
248=Xmas Norm Turtle |-|Enemy |XMNorm |Turt
249=Xmas Lizard |-|Enemy |XMLizard
250=Xmas Float Lizard |-|Enemy |XMFloat|Lizard |Duration:8|Fly Away:1
251=Xmas Bilsy Boss |-|Boss |XMBilsy|Boss |EndText:4
252=Kitty Catt |-|Enemy |Kitty |Catt
253=Pacman Ghost |-|Enemy |Pacman |Ghost
254=EMPTY |+| |DON'T |USE
255=MCE Event |+|Area |MCE |Event |Event:8|Delay Secs:8|Initial Delay:1
Jazz2Online © 1999-INFINITY (Site Credits). We have a Privacy Policy. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Jazz Jackrabbit Advance and all related trademarks and media are ™ and © Epic Games. Lori Jackrabbit is © Dean Dodrill. J2O development powered by Loops of Fury and Chemical Beats.
Eat your lima beans, Johnny.