Downloads containing PurpleDiamond.txt

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JJ2 1.23 vanilla: The Purple DiamondFeatured Download BlackDog789 Single player 8.1 Download file

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 Created By: BlackDog (Joshua)

First of all I would like to thank you for even downloading this because I
doubt many of you will. But this as you can see is my very first
creation... Yes yes, my first! It's only a single level but every inch of
it is used! I used the basic diamond tileset and JJ2 music, not fancy but
after all it's just a single level and nothing too spectacular.

The design is basically a simple level with a few tricks and secrets to
keep you entertained. It's not meant to be devistatingly hard. I was
actually hoping that you will never have need for any of the 1ups found
throughout the level.

I'm new to making levels and i'm new to this site (hard to believe when JJ2
has been around for 5 years) so I hope this doesn't prove to be boring for
you. I enjoyed making it and I hope you like playing it! I'd appreciate any
comments you have, constructive critism is highly appreciated :) You can
find ways to contact me at the end of the document.

I do have one question if anyone can help me out ... I use spikes on the
ceilings of my level and I applied the "Hurt" event to them but yet they
don't actually hurt Jazz/Spazz in the game. Only the ones placed on the
floor do any damage. Anyone have any idea what's wrong? Thanks!

Well, there really is no "Story" but there is a single purple diamond to be
found :P

Hints and Tips (Although I'm quite sure you won't be in need of them)
- The flamethrower is the best weapon to be used and there is pleanty of it
to be found, especially at the begining...that is... if you know where to
look! ;)
- Yes I'm well aware that you will end up with about a whooping 450 gems by
the end of the level
- A lot of the secrets are somewhat obvious so I'm sure you won't have
trouble finding them...but dont hesitate to look for secrets within secrets
- Don't be fooled by an exit sign!
- Have fun ... and if you don't, tell me how I can make it fun!

Thanks to:
---------- for letting me use the site to promote this level!
And well... no one... LoL... I did it all on my own

AIM: BlackDog789