Downloads containing SNB.txt

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TSF Only: Snoozs newest battlepack snzspeed Battle N/A Download file

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      SNB (Snoozs newest battlepack)

Zip file should include

-SNB1-3(The levels)
-egypt(day) (tileset
-7th lava fall(tileset)
-depeche.s3m(music file)
-zarathus.xm(music file)
-song14.s3m(music file)
SNBreadme(this stupid readme file!)

Special thanks:
Agama: for the heaven , and egypt tileset.i really think that they rock!
Mystic legends: for the 7th lava fall tileset.i really think that this one
rocks too! 

Coming soon:

Devans flashback, an 10 level single player episode,
West, my first tileset!(Its gonna be a desert and wild west themed!)

Have fun!!

And dont forget to rate this at jazz2online!
