Downloads containing README!!!.txt

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: TubElectric LIVE SuckaTube Single player 5 Download file

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If this is the first time you are using the fantastic
downloads colomn
to download level files, you must do the following to install them:

-Extract all files to your JazzJackrabbit 2 directory
-That's the gist of it.

Credits go to the MAGNIFICIENT 
SuckaTube for the making of the level, and to
>Cell< for the CTF music he uploaded to the FANTASTIC server

Thank you, and enjoy the game.


Q:Why did you not make your own tileset?
A:Why mess with perfection?

Q:Why did you put this Q&A section in your README?
A:To fill up space and, hopefully, annoy the J20 admin whom I

Q:Why TubElectric?
A:I breathe that tileset, my good friend; it sucks, litterally.

Q:Why did you use JupiterTrails for this level, too?
A:I found out that my older level that used it was deleted off the server
by the old admin.

Q:>Cell< didn't make this music! Why does he get the credit?!?!?!
A:He uploaded it, so it goes to him. Plus, I'm too lazy to ask.

Q:I think this level sucks. What do you think I should do about that?
A:Why, edit it of course! The password to the level edit is "andy9112"

Just seeing if you were paying attention...hahahahahahaha......