Cool Program, but i’m having a tab bit of trouble using it.
Make it generate a gradent that you can use to base a textured background off of. Right now this is totally useless. 2 points for it actually working.
Yeah, what ssj and Splash saids
A very cool tileset……and….ehm….
yeah, thats it.
I’m the latest rabbit to review this, i’ve got this for a looooong time, but just d/l’ed the updated version, cool new tiles :)
(You are no longer the latest. Your punishment will be telling us about the cool new tiles. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
I think it´s not useless.
You can see how it is in Save and Run! You know!
I was expecting a bit more when I got this…
Oh well. This is a nifty little program that lets you define a background color and see it before you put it in JCS. This is helpful if you just want a bland background color. However, I was expecting more of a background builder that would help in building tilesets.
Overall, an interesting program, but not much. A 4.5 from me, for the effort and the idea.
Useless, this can be done in paint or ANY photo program editor thingamibob.
For next version make it edit pallette values and stuff, that might me good, add more features.
this is a cool program
good work !
I think this also can be done just using PSP and copy-ing RGB values, so I don’t see what this program has to do with Jazz.
I belevie the tileset took some skill to do with paint, seeing that there are a couple moving tiles and
some interesting things you can use.
None the less one of teh pioneers for valentines day tilesets. The lev is interesitng and the music, ok, i wont worry about those though.
A few to many hearts for me and to sappy ;P.
Overall not a bad tileset though,
-Long live bjarni, cheese and hopefully not sal or hi
Ugh! This lvl suck! It’s too empty, got no eyecandy at all, hasn’t got an nxt lvl setting and all you do is flying an airboard around nowhere shooting some bad guys. Plz! Upload GOOD lvls.
Yay! I’m the second one to review this lvl!
Well…umm…umm…Defence of the Paradise is a very good and well made CTF lvl. It does use the overused Carrottus tileset but that doesn’t matter too much cause I like the tileset. The lvl’s got good but confusing eyecandy and has got a little too much ammo. The gameplay is OK though, and there aren’t much obstacles around. And also, there was an dead end on pos 79, 17 which I got Unhit to fix in this version. :-D
Since it looks like my review isn’t very detailed the review will now be divided into sections…
There are seekers in this versoin!! + points. There are far too little seeks around!! – points. The ammo is well placed and is scattered neatly all over the lvl. More + points. Too much ammo. More – points. Is this simple enough for you idiots out there? :-P
Good eyecandy here, Defence of the Paradise uses almost everything the Carrottus tileset offers, there are pumpkins, carrots, vines, spikes, nice smiling flowers and much, much more. What I will give an BIG + for is that Unhit and Songoku didn’t use those red, giant carrots cause they are ANNOYING. But! The eyecandy is sometimes too extreme and can be quite confusing. Also, I noticed that, on the blue base, a vine is blocking Eva’s face!
Good gameplay here. There’s not much to say really. The platforms are well made and the game can go on really fluentlty. However, there are some bad placed springs which makes you bounce up when you want to fall down. I noticed it in a CTF game. Very annoying!
Yes it is! :-P
A very good lvl here by Unhit and Songoku and just because it uses the Carrottus tileset doesn’t mean that it isn’t good. I’ll give Defence of the Paradise (btw, the name is so stupid) an 8.7. Download this NOW.
White Rabbit.[This review has NOT been edited by White Rabbit :-P]
Not the most useful Jazz2 program, but it does work and might be to some help for someone…somewhere…
Because the program is more useful to some ppl than to others, I’m going to give it an N/A[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
Oh, how a good tileset.
You get a 8 from me :P
Trunks I dont think you even know where its meant for.
I couldnt test program, but I think it will work.
First I need someone who is going to shoot me with an laser shield.
no working
in 1.23 and 1.24
Bah! C’mon BN it would only take 10 minutes or less to add tsf support…you need the adress or something?
I actually like this tileset, it doesn’t match jj2, but the way he has resized some of the tiles to make them bigger, reminds me of some old Amega games :) ( has a few flash backs )
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.