I did not get the tileset. I suggest when you make levels and post them you include the tilesets so everyone can see them. None the less I saw you did something with the animating tiles thingy, so i can give u 2 points for that, but the rest is invisible to me so I can’t rate the lev.
[Don’t rate levels when you haven’t seen them -Fquist][This review has been edited by Fquist]
Quote “Hotels are boring, don’t make hotels.”
Definetly another great level made by >CelL<,it conains tons of great ideas for useing MezmErIzE tilest!Eyecandy is almost perfect..level design is great…what can i say else?If you like CelL lvl makeing style download these now!If you dont like his style..download..play 30 minutes and…forget about ;)
I cant open most of the lvls and most of them have no music
I wouldn’t give this level an 8 because
to me levels that get 8’s or higher have something
other levels lack or dont have.
The level is good but it needs some “personalizing” a.k.a. doing something to make it more interesting.
I like how the springs are set in the lev and it
can get pretty cool at times,
but once more I give it a 7 out of 10 ..
Make more special stuff in it.
I thought you we`re a Good Fighter in Jazzjackrabbit. _
But if i see this, it looks more your both. A Fighter and a level maker.
Good Job Awesome levels!
euh bjarni i think the tileset tubelec comes with the game =P so why rate that too
Good work…
first i wanted to give this a 7.8…:) But im today Happy! So I will give it a 8. The review: The design is good it has great quality. Gameplay is smoothly like Gargoyle said. Ammo is placed well, maybe a little bit more ammo should there be. But anyway…
5 levels + 2 new one.
>please write Rewiew<
Beg More…:P I have these levels already, I dont think i should download them again. I will give a short review:
=Dont post junk on Jazz2Online=
Thats all, figure out what i mean with that :)…
Please ZappoMan before you post stuff on j2o, let other people test it. And dont post everything what you make on Jazz2Online, only post the ones wich you like and others like too.
You have hosted this a million times on multiplayer. Unfortunately i saw it _.
It’s a kinda sucky level. Everything is messed up. Maskproblems on some places of the ground, you could fix them because there are tiles for it in the tileset. Please People stop posting “Junk” on J2o (Dont get this personal ZappoMan), it looks like people arent uploading good stuff anymore…but instead of good there comes junk…
[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
Thank’s Gargoyle. :)
Whoa Bjarni, don’t you think your over-rating me a bit? lower what you rated me to 9 or so, that could show the admins your trying to be a fair rater. ;)
I think this level deserves no more than 9.5 and no less than 8 ;)
Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da, da da da da da da da da! I love this music! ;D You´re tile-set and level are cool to! ;D
Tile-set: 10/10
music: 10/10
level: 10/10
[Don’t always rate with a ten. -Fquist][This review has been edited by Fquist]
Did I say demo?
heh, What about the zip file’s name?[This review has been edited by Red_XIII]
This seems cool. I just dont see much originality ya know? its just a wee bit too plain. Ill give it an 8, since im the first reviewer. Its very good, but still not very original. Download recomendation. There are lots of springs that bounce u around and stuff. Pretty smooth gameplay too.
This is a very nice start, it looks like you could make
a whole giant jj2 kinda thing
so what i suggest to do is add more badguys screenshots
and other cool things
it would be a very cool tileset
to have a giant jj2 world :D. (It’s not bad so far)
Preaty good level with nice ideas..only thing im complain about is size..it could be A BIT lagerger ;) it is kinda small when more than 5 ppl join server.However…download is recomended..
,,kewl’‘ level,eyecandy is very good neigher..weapon placement-perfect ;) As CelL said: ,,litle boring, but thats cuz every JKM member hosts it ‘’,agree with it :)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.