“Chemicals Labroratorys” (i wonder if that’s grammatically correct…well, english sucks :-) is a nice little (standard size: 100*50 tiles) battle level using the good old Labrat tileset.
It has an acceptable layout that is obviously supposed to be round and easily playable (which it isn’t because of reasons i’ll mention later).
The weapon selection is very good. As for the event placement, i didn’t find it exceptionally good: the gems and food are pretty useless in a battle and the destruction events (which are quite annoying sometimes, esspecially regarding navigation) are just not my favourite idea in such a level (no real big problems, though).
Regarding the layer work, i have to mention this real nice(!) “JAZZ” arrangement in one of the background layers. Otherwise, nothing special about it.
Well, all in all, even if it may sound harsh, i don’t see this level too far away from the average. It is just missing something in my opinion. In addition to that, i find it horribly overrated here, which also influences my rating of “only” (high) 6.5 points. Still worth a download, if you like the tileset, the “Made in Holland” sign or if you just feel like.
I don’t know what to say, a few ripped tiles and cheap graphics software effects don’t make a tileset.
This program is good for making cool texts, but it could annoy people who dont like cool stuff, I’ll use it to a minimum hehe…..good job
strange it doesn’t work…
Good tilesets dont come often but they do with certain people :). Another excelletn one..
good music, good tilesets, good levels, I only found 2 errors i got stuck a little, but it was pretty good and somewhat challenging
This tileset is a very large one which
contributes to the rating because
all of the things on the tileset are very good and allow you to make superb
levels the stuff I’m seeing from Agama is near official to me.
Using this tileset could produce a good level that wouldn’t be hard to make.
This tileset allows you to use good layers and excellent designs. Overall this tileset is good and hi is bad :P[This review has been edited by Spotty]
I couldn’t find the tileset I think …for this one, it isn’t in the zip file im presuming.
It has great visuals,and it was well designed, but it’s a bit small, and instead of racing ur going back and forth for coins.
pretty good. i can dodge the fireballs splash. you just mostly just stomp while the fireball is right at you ;)
preity good. i realy like the music. its preity hard though short.
Other various complaints:
Sand: I’ll try to fix up the sand.. maybe even add a few ramps. Not sure if I’ll be able to though.
Ramp blocks: Bah, I forgot to make them look good, didn’t I. Right, I’ll work on some better looking ramp thingies..
Flame: Bah. I put a little work into making the flames look unusual, and people don’t like it. I guess I’ll have to put it back to the original then…..
Cave background: I will try to improve it, but it may just look worse.
Signs: Maybe the kind of disheveled looking signs are unclear, especially the Lori one (I have no idea why it turned out that way), but the natural ones are easy enough to view.
Ice Block: They’re the standard toaster destruct scenery.. just thought I’d let you know. Just look at Inferno, for example.
Lava: Bah. I think it looks just lavalike.
Flags: Anyone who’s flag isn’t there, just send me an image of it, and I shall add it in flag and balloon versions. :P
Wow no ones given lower then 9 on this tileset…..amazing……..
I see, the spikes were somewhat useless but seemed to work along time ago in the cave, when I first made it, thanx for your input ill use it for my future levs :)
The tileset isn’t bad…I like the ladder but its very hard to go up it.
Very nice tileset. At last the ability to put a canadian flag in a level :P.
It has great artwork, and its a tileset I would consider using.
Ninja, shields may be part of the game, but that does’nt take away Electric’s right to think that shields are unfair. And personaly, i must say i agree with him, me, and probably 87% of the other elite JJ2 players:P. Anyways, i’m not going to either download nor rate this, because considering what i’ve heard untill now, i don’t really believe this level will be all that very cool:P
censored are you people kinda dumb???
Type: TILESET, not level or music file.
Ugh… when do we learn to rate the tileset and not the level/music???
I’ll review this later.
“Fishy stuff!” is a small (about 50*40 tiles) battle level, has a very dull name and uses Disguise’s very cool “Fishy” tileset.
The whole level design is not spectacular or very original. The author obviously tried to make it circular and playable but somehow i found the navigation too complicated in this. All those sucker tubes, dunno. The text events aren’t too motivating as well. And eyecandy? Not much except the background, sorry.
About the music: actually you can’t do anything wrong with a chippy Jogeir Lilljedahl tune, but this one is only 30 seconds short. I have to admit, it still sounds 1337 :-)
Okay, despite that it’s not the super fun producing battle level in my opinion, at least someone tried to make a level using this great tileset. I’ll reward that effort and the idea with 6 and a half points. However, fans of custom tilesets should really download “Yhsif” (which sounds even more stupid than the actual level name!).
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.