Wow! I’m impressed Nitro, very nice tileset. The tiles are very detailed and there’s some good tiles for eyecandy (the skulls look cool). The brick-texture is very realistic and there are the red/blue base tiles which just add the extra touch for multiplayer. Very nice tileset. DL recommendation: Get this.
Good idea…
the background sucks on the level with interfro tileset but the level is ok I guess. The other level, ok, background better.
your tileset is sweet!
the example level is cool, it shows usage of multiplayer, and single player games. I like this one.
I’m not going to rate this just yet, but it looks like a 9.0 or higher.
Nitro, did you draw all those huge stone blocks (most likely using various paint program tools) or did you copy them? Your answer shall certainly influence my rating.
This is Good Tileset. It looks like someone take a picture from some rocks…and converted them to jcs. But it isnt, i think the author have made it by him self(And thats pretty Neat). The eye-candy is not so much, and its dark…there is too much blackness in the tileset. Don`t forget this, the tileset is kinda empty. I mean there is not much extra stuff in it, like animated things ore strange rocks… The rocks in the tileset have all the same look. There is in all of them some blackness and other similiar colours, you may could make some grass on them for a example…to make it more striking. Ore some special ground to walk on, and not on the blocks….because it looks like your walking yust on the rock. But I know there are special tiles to use it as a ground, but it has same colours like the rocks. But this Tileset is Cool. It deserves atleast a 8.5
A Download Recommendation!
Edit: I know what’s a crypt Nitro…:)
But it was yust a example about that gras.
I didn’t told you to do that.
[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
Stuffness. This tileset is nice. It has a very detailed, realictic looking layout and dark stuff. It contains stuff to make platforms with, cave stuff, poles, hurts, vines, text signs, CTF signs, Skulls, backgrouns mountains, a textured background, and that’s it. Altough this may sound as a big list of stuff used, i find the tileset pretty boring. Must be me, but that lowers my rating. However, the layout looks really “proffesional” and detailed, with stuff. The texttured background doesn’t look to textured to me when I played the level, but that could be my monitor setting. Anyway, this stuff deserves a fat 7.5. Downlaod this, if you like stuff.
EDIT: I shouldn’t take points off for boring? Why not? When a set is boring, a level that you make with it is boring, and boring levels are boring :). Anyway, I’ll add 0,5 points to my rating. Now it’s an 8,0, okay?
BTW: I’m Fl@$h, not Flash. Always add the and the $, please.[This review has been edited by Fl
$h aka BlewMeUp]
(My Euro: it´s bad, i trying how to come on J2o :P)
Wow- this IS good. The tileset is so good-looking, it looks like a REAL crypt. Good job!
The whole set breathes a dark, gloomy atmosphere, nice for scary levels. Also, Nitro added some funny elements such as skullheads and gravestones. Too bad he didn’t include more eyecandy, it would have been even better! (Maybe an idea for a version 2?)
There is only one small mask bug – the big pile of skullheads has a small dot in it, so you can get stuck at it, but you can easily delete this bug, just by placing the pile on another layer.
A 9.0 – very good tileset, but a lack of eyecandy. Everyone should download this NOW. (argh, Nitro – failed again to get above a 9 here eh ;))
man.. this smells like sumfin really nasty. bad lvl, even worse tileset!
1.2 cos i’m so nice ;-)
Krezack: average rating: 8.5
mmmmmmmmmmm yummy for tummy tileset vewwy vewwy yummy faw tummy. right over that this set rocks its hard to explain why its not like a level hehe but im possibly biased because i loved cells disco dreams level created with this but oh well this set rox.
It’s great fun with 4 ahrdcore players! :D
This hotel level is one of the best hotels id ever seen becuse its have a lot of design like a Tv and so you can make cool rooms, and it has 3 kinds of bagrund if you want to make a wall. There´s plants, there´s a nice bagrund to layer 8, so this hotel titelset is a must download. I din´t like the dog there wasen´t anime, but its hard to say why i don´t top rate this titelset.
Good Job Hotel Heroes
Not too shabby. But you still should make all of your levels in packs so it saves everyone time. It seems like you make too many levels too quickly and no one wants to download them individually. Make more packs for more reviews (at least 5-6 levels).
P.S. This seems to be like another level you made. Maybe you should take the time to make the levels more complex and original.
I’m the only one who really liked this superb level. Bravo, Dizzy, bravo.
Actually, we aren’t. I’m Bucky but my account didn’t work. And I’m not Bucky either, I’m Exterminator, but I’m not really Exterminator either, I’m Axem Red, but I’m not really Axem Red, I’m Santa Clause(Just Kidding). I’m GenEx JOL. Aaaaaaanyway…
It should get something like a 13.7 it’s soooooooo cool!
Edit:Forgot to rate it. Isn’t that stupid?[This review has been edited by BlackRabite]
(Inexcusably unsupported rating removal edit. Why in the world is this so awesome? Please go on. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
It’s very nice. And it doesn’t have hotel eyecandy because it ISN’T A HOTEL.
(Rating removal. Clan bias. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Not close to my favorite level by Cell, but it’s not bad. Eye-candy is good (enough), the layout is playable, and the tileset was well used. You should go download this, maybe.
This kinda reminds me of Diamond Doom, minus the eye-candy. Is that all that can be done with the tileset?
checks to make sure Low Detail is off
Needs work. There is too much ammo that’s too close to the ground. Has potential, though…
It’s a decent level with nice eye-candy, but it’s not that great. I think it’s missing something (but I don’t know what), it maybe needs less open space and more ammo with better placement. It might be fun to play once in a while online, though :P
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.