I’m sorry Saiyan, I accidentally downloaded this. ;-P
Oh well, since I downloaded it, might as well write an review.
Not much to say really. It sucks. The tileset is awful and the gameplay is YUCK! There are too many obstacles and almost no eyecandy at all. I really don’t want to waste my time writing an review of such an poor lvl so let’s just say:
White Rabbit.
pretty good level. The layout was more than decent, but it was pretty empty at times, try to fill up stuff more…
the level has some nice details – the Jazz1 tilesets are always very basic. Cell has added a cool feature, sand and rocks will fall off the ground you walk on, just like in a real mine! Weapon placement was good…grabbing ammo isn’t hard, so you shouldn’t be afraid of walking around with only your blaster (which can be upgraded, though.)
One big lowdown: the brown cavy like background in the lower part of the level simply hurts my eyes, it makes them focus on the background, and meanwhile you are pretty much disorientated in the level…(don’t laugh, maybe some other people get this too)
Overall, a good CTF level. Flagmen – download!
That is COOLest level as I nether seen. I love this level. I have one quistion. (That is no wrong) Why are sands falling down and sand is longer? Why, why? Please reply!
Cool lvl, kinda empty,
but you can battle good in it…
Man, why people post this censored on j2o.
This lvl Sucks, the Tileset even more!
I hope the admin’s delete this censored censored…
DON’T download this post! It’s so * * * *
Excuse me for my nasty words…
No Download recommendation
No Download recommendation
No Download recommendation
No Download recommendation for sure…
WOW! this is the best tileset i’ve ever seen, it looks just like something epic would create…only better. VERY nice animations, cool background, and lots of stuff for layers 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7.
download this. no questions asked.
i haven’t tested the example level, however, i have tested the tileset….and i must say it is one of the best i have ever seen. at first look, i thought it was sort of plain, but then i noticed the tons of animations. wow, very good. keep up the good work, and maybe try and create some music that goes well with it?[This review has been edited by Black Ninja]
Ok. For all of you who have NO idea what the laser shield is, it’s a shield that kills anything and everything across the level in the EXACT direction you fire. I’m assuming there’s a way to use it in multiplayer mode. To use it in Single player, type jjshield 4 times.
I dunno how to do it in Multiplayer mode.
Have a nice day. :-)
Hawkin 87
I forgot one thing:
its not very bad for me as i recieve a very bad rating :P
Not enough possibility to make a good level with this.. It doesn’t have enough good tiles.
It works. Thats all you need to konw.[This review has been edited by Blue Ninja]
WHOA! This tileset r0><0rs. Finally, a hotel tileset that isn’t a 5-minute Paintbrush job! Also, you put a badge with my clan’s name on it to use as well as others (+2 points!). Anyway, I love this tileset. I’m making my own level with this one.
I don’t know, but from my POV none of what you just said makes sense, Fire Sword. You simply can’t put Laser Shield in a level as an event, and I don’t think this protects you against the other shields or anything.
“it was sorta chaotic because things like weapons and powerups were constantly unrespawnsive (wouldn’t come back!) so we had to stop the game constantly to get the powerups and weapons back so obviously the sheild was a problem.”
That is… shield unrelated at the best.
Whoa! This tileset is absolutely AWESOME!! The textures are fantastic and everything looks so great and cartooninc or whatever. ;P All the tiles for a hotel tileset are there including TVs (broken TVs as well), computers, beds, toilet stuff, kitchen stuff, doors and loads and loads and loads and loads of other hotel things. There isn’t much more to say really. Oh, and the background is quite nice too. :) This is without doubt the best tileset I’ve ever seen. Download NOW.
Cheerio!! :-P
Actually, it’s tons better than a true n00b set. So.. yes.
I can’t rate this level beacause I can’t play it !!!!!
The level :teamrace.j2l won’t appear on the screen in homed cooked levels and when i tried to enter amedivorace.j2l it kept saying that it couldn’t find the level or tileset for that level.
I would have liked to play this,IT’S THE BEST CONCEPT OF RACE LEVEL I HAVE EVER DREAMED OF!!!!!
erm… what do you mean with “laser”?
Computer get stuck when i was starting lvl :D I`ll review later…
censored now i can`t cheat anymore :p :p
Great Program dude…
Edit: How do you mean Ninja Not All the time? You mean you can still crash? Why!?
———-[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan][This review has been edited by Genotoxin aka iCeD]
I always knew you had the rabbit within you Electric Ir :)
Very cool video, would have looked better if u had a green shirt on ;)
You are very brave, very brave for submitting that, I’ll keep that file to use against you in the future some time ;)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.