Please dude, learn to type right. :-P
Og speak this too. no type good. ugga-ugga. you. learn type. :-P
EDIT: please note, i’m not trying to make fun of anyone, just to get them to type out what they mean. I can’t stand that type of shorthand.[This review has been edited by Hawkin 87]
These levels were very short and not realy that hard. You realy need to spend more time on your levels and make them better. Learn how to use tilesets properly(it’s not that hard). Ask some people to show you how.
The first level I finished in 9 seconds (I timed it the second time). The other one was a bit harder, but still really short.
No start positions.
The backgrounds were good though; use of multiple layers and parallax.
All the weapons were placed at the beginning, and both levels involved flying with an airboard over a bed of prickles while dodging heli-lizards.
The boss was hard…but why was the next level setting for Victorian Secret (colon1.j2l)?
So the level rating is 4, but I gave you a .5 extra for effort and since it looks like you are a first time level builder.
That is coolest level as I nether seen. I love this level. I no see error. I have wiev this level in 2 days and no see error!
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Cool! Its funny to play!
As you not crazy are, DOWNLOAD THIS NOW!
Gosh these lvls suck!!
17 r00l2! 17 r00l2! 17 r00l2! 17 r00l2! 17 r00l2! 17 r00l2! 17 r00l2! 17 r00l2! 17 r00l2! 17 r00l2! 17 r00l2! 17 r00l2! 17 r00l2! 17 r00l2! 17 r00l2! 17 r00l2!
I, White Rabbit, hereby command YOU to download Jazz Ski Rabbit NOW.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
Download this…
Very, very good. Certainly worth an 8.5…
Download this NOW.
Yah, I have to say,,
There is a sequel to this coming,, is being made with the Vitorian tilset (2nd one) and will be made much larger than the OU lvl,,
but, it may still not be the best since i have just returned from a jazz 2 recess in august,(or somewhere round there,,)
C-O-O-L-!- I realy like levels (especialy Force Draw).Music is well chosed eigher.These is one of best CTF packs i ever seen :p
Quite nice levels. Not bad eyecandy and music either. Unfortunately, a little boring.
These are cleary quallity levels that look like they would play nicely on the internet. They are easy to move around in, the eye candy is good, there are afew minor errors where if you look carfully, a few tiles don’t quite match, but you don’t really notice that. The CTF level is cool, I like the idea of a huge waterfall, and the music matches it. I also noticed there are a few new tiles in the tileset, such as cracks, ladders, buttons, a few things like that. In the first battle level, the part were you go into the white cavey thing, I find its abit hard to see, but that doesn’t matter. The second battle level, contains lots of trees, I felt like a money alien :) the CTF level contains a chat room :( but I don’t really mind, the only thing I don’t like about the CTF level is, its easier to get the red flag than it is to get the blue flag, but since you have to loop around the level to each, base, it doesn’t really matter.
I haven’t got LWE because its too big for me to download, my speed is like 1 mb for 15 min :(
Anyway, I recomend you download this, I don’t know why this tileset wasn’t renamed though, I though it would have become version or somthing.
Recomend Download!
Ah, yes. Operation Underground. A very fun level to have, although every other aspect is below average. The gameplay is pretty bad, not much room for jumping and shooting. The ammo is way too low for a large level like this. The eyecandy is pretty good for a mez01 level. I know it’s old, so I won’t go harsh on you. Be sure to make another one though!
HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA, it’s so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-D>:-D>:-D>:-D>:-D
(Marquee removal / content truncation. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Hey Cell,
The levels are very well (, and the tilesets too) Very good!
[This review has been edited by joey]
It isn`t a bad level that much. But i can say now, It isn`t great. This lvl has kinda low quality, the most of the people suddently won`t like this. The eyecandy is very very low, I saw little eyecandy it was a forground layer near to the start. Ammo, there isn`t much of it. And the ammo is usseles to, you can`t use in the underground (more a maze then a underground) the passages are to crapy. And when your ammo is empty, you need to kill eachother with a blaster, because all the ammo is hidden in some big area`s in that underground, so you need to go to that area and collect some ammo again, and going there take`s long. Farther i saw a MCE`s and Birdy`s. And the Tileset is easy to use, and Music is Standard, you`ve better couldn`t set it in your pack, evryone has it anyway. Sorry a 6 from me.[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.