Below Average, i dont like it so much.
I`m waiting for ya Pack.[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
Flash is it really 17,8 mb???
I ARN`T FILL UP my Jazz2folder with that! :S
Maybe i`l download….once.
yeah I’ve downloaded It’s Awesome!!!
A stright 9 of me:D
Çya[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
heh!? Joey? You blame about this?, are ya nuts I even couldnt opened the lvl.[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
Since my review would just be recaping what everyone’s said, I’ll say this instead: Oh. My. God.
overlord already made this program, only it does a lot more. please don’t steal other people’s program ideas.
I’m not a friend of Wacky Spaz, I nearly know him, but for some of his first levels, these aren’t bad. I’ve seen worst first levels.. Wacky Spaz, you should become an apprentice of a good levelbuilder, I have the feeling you’r levelmake abilities can easily become better with some good practice.
Another nice tileset by Disguise. I’ve got a few complaints about this one, but nevermind. I’d like to tell you, that you’ve made better tilesets Disguise, I especially liked that Allien tileset you made, I forgot the exact name. I hope you’ll start making tilesets again the way you used to. Good, useful and original.
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
ALMOST better than the original Cracco Assault. I really felt like I was some kind of evil terrorist when I played this, heh. Still, there’s one thing I do not completely understand. Why was Cracco Assault 4 uploaded before Cracco Assault 2 and Cracco Assault 3…
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Surtently best jj2 Single Player pack ever released!!!YOU made cool,giving specify climate,music,i realy love it.Tilests,well chosen.Levels,too short :( but realy cool,you just want more,and more and moooooooore (like a drug :p ) [i realy like that one when dino chase you ] Enemis,well placed(only in sewer level there is too much of these fish stuff and if you dont gona brake through them,without killing,i dont think it is possible to pass them.Thats all,hope there is gona be more packs like these cuz i had wonderfull time playing it!it was better than original jj2 levels!much better!(ow,dont forget about cool cut sceens)
Stage 2 will blow you away! You’ll get burned, shot, pinched, poked, and ALOT more!
This is a kinda usseles program,
I think someone already made this program.
I dont know who, but he didnt had that Coperactive, it isnt very usseles but it is new. And o yeah i found a bug.
When you host a battle level, and you change it to CTF it shows a JazzJackrabbit sign /big/little/, and a Jazz who does a buttstomp on the ground.
And another bug, that race thingi is kinda weird, it shows many minutes and bla bla when you turn it on. I didnt like it so much, and it has a =(Not OK)= layout. O yeah make it 1.24 compatible. Sorry a 6 from me.[This review has been edited by Super Saiyan]
I already change it!!!
Exelent!These is great!I realy like some puzzles and mussssic,it rockz!!!That end ship is incredible!It is a masterpiece!I would give 10 but some of puzzles are way too hard.
17,8 MB! Oh man! You maddo! If it’s done, I’ll review this. See ya in 2067!
wow, you must have a fast connection, spazzboy. It took me like 40 minutes to upload it.
As for music not working, I don’t know, maybe you should check in the jazz options whether music is on at all and at a high enough volume.
btw, if you want a real challenge, go for hard mode. It’s there for a reason. Or the hardest; playing with Spaz in hard.
[edit #1: Bunny Elmer, since you are wondering… No, I did not steal the 3D model of Jazz. I created it from scratch myself.]
[edit #2: Seems I’m able to log in again… The links in the old download were broken so I replaced it with working links and also added some nice screenshots.]
theres no error its prolly you it all works for me maybe you need a runtimeDLL?
This *censored*ed crappy ISDN! :) This pack is too big for it. But you can expect my rating when this stupid, slow ISDN finally gets the pack.
I’m afraid that the music loop bug is unfixable. The problem is in the track, and I don’t want to touch them. Mostly because of that I’m not an artist, and can’t handle them.
Erm, Jessie says that the url from the pic doesn’t work. Do you know what’s wrong?
Very nice tileset! My only complaint is the lack of surfaces that can actually be “flexively” built with (in this case, the grass). If this tileset had more surfaces… a 10/10 =)
Download? YES!
9.7 / 10
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.