Can’t you make one, just ONE level without your name in it? I cannot understand how you can be so narcissistic that you put your name in your clan and in EVERY SINGLE LEVER YOU MAKE.
Oops. Forgot the tilesets. Silly me.
They are:
Level 1: TSF city
Level 2: Agama’s Egypt
Level 3: The disco tileset
Level 4: TSF Easter
I will put up the tilesets for download shortly, but if you have them already, you’re good to go.
First, let me compliment you on your music choice. The level and music complemented eachother perfectly. Both amazingly boring. Hmmm, that wasn’t a compliment, was it?
I can’t rate the tileset, as this wasn’t uploaded as either tileset or multiple, but I do say it had terrible masking. It also, in my opinion, could have been used better.
Hardly any of the crates take anything more then finding an entrance and going through a maze which low detail can generally show you the way through. Because of this, I was HAPPY when I had to jump across four or five little platforms to hit a crate! Totally rudimentary, but it was such a breath of fresh air!
Well, down to the normal stuff.
Many of the tiles are ok, except for the ones you drew yourself. Some of the handdrawns are fine, but most just clash with the copied “beauties”. There’s no background eyecandy, like mountain ranges. This is probably due to all the speed 1 layers used.
Let me just say this level shouldn’t be downloaded for the gameplay.
Weapons/Enemy Placement:
This not being a level where they are needed for things other then tests, I won’t really rate this spot.
The music lasts what, seven seconds before restarting?
Tileset use:
Could use some work.
All in all, because of the brief shining moments of quality, I’ll give this a 5. Only slightly below average.
Edit: I have played it again, and it’s not quite so bad as I made it out to be.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Not bad, though i could do without the vines in the foreground. Nothing much speacial in the level (But thats not a BIG concern). In my opinion theres too MUCH eyecandy in this level.
Though i HIGHLY recommend downloading this level!
The layout is not THAT bad. ;p
And the eyecandy is supposed to be almost flawless, I worked a long time at removing all kind of glitches, as psych is far from the easiest tileset.
Now that I look at it, Nitro, the foreground speed IS a bit irritating. The background speed is normal.[This review has been edited by Fquist]
i have seen 1 of youre tilesets before and… i cant say they where very well made..
Well, you can find bouncers in the Sealed Castle. Shoot them at the blocks above the well. That’ll do. All the other blocks will be gone once you’ve found the Air Coin, which is to the west. Hope that helps.
Btw splash, this is the online version for more people, the offline version (for single player) has enemies and bosses, and a different ending. And, many people tested it before the official release months ago. And, we do create levels the public is interested in, but there are many different publics here. Some like my levels, some don’t.[This review has been edited by CraccoBoy]
I’ll rate when I finish, but a quick note: When you start LoC, the question mark blocks – they won’t go away!!! I can’t get past them at all. A little help here?[This review has been edited by Hawkin 87]
Cool level this is. Download now.
[This review has been edited by joey]
What do you get when you mix Jazz with an RPG? Something like this I guess. (And to be honest, that is exactly why we never play any Jazz RPGs…)
The idea was kinda cool. Like in “Cracco Land Of Coins”, the goal of the level is to detroy all crates, then find your way to the exit. But where “Cracco Land Of Coins” had some fun in it, this is absolutely boring. Not just boring for a battle-freak. No, like boring for everyone who has a private life. The level exists of a certain number of times. In every time, your goal is to…you guessed it…stomp crates. You also get some info about the time and what happens in it, but you cannot really interact with people, solve quests and stuff, just the normal running and stomping. No enemy to be found either.
The tileset isn’t that great. It consist of mostly tiles ripped from all kinds of stuff, like RPG maker to Final Fantasy. Plus the usual Jazz stuff. If you really want to make something that is fun to play, make sure you have something nice to look at as well.
The music was horrible. It is another one of those old RPG musics (Ok, there is nothing wrong with RPG musics, but this is Jazz. Jazz is “hip”. Jazz is “groovy”. Plus, the file sounds absolutely awful in Jazz.) Next time, try to find music that fits both Jazz and the theme.
So, here is a small list of Pro’s and No’s:
-Bad tileset.
-The level is boring.
-The music is bad.
-The idea was good. Too bad the workout was bad…
-It is not a battle level.
Next time, make sure the public you create stuff for is interested in the works you create. Never think something is good because you like it yourself, best is to hire a team of testers who can give their opinions before you release your work.
I was gonna give this a 5, but because I feel bad because you 2 worked so hard on this…I’ll put an extra +0.5 on top of it.
this are nice tilesets and levels[This review has been edited by joey]
Good level, but what is the password from this level in JCS? I don’t know!
Ooooohhhh…. Nifty..[This review has been edited by Doomsday]
Yes!! You finally uploaded it COOLM@N! I won´t review it yet, before I review it, I want to have completed the level at least once without cheats, to have the full experience. As far as I looked, and played, this is even nicer than Cracco Land of Coins, and Cracco The Dark Caves, which were my favorites from the old LoC-series.
I want to say something to Ninja. You shouldn’t base your rating on the clans you’r in. Now, I have finished the level so I’ll start writing a proper review.
Well, I REALLY love this level!!! FINALLY a level that matches the awesome quality of Cracco LoC, in my opinion, this is even better!!!!!! It’s so interesting and cool! I have always liked the levels in the LoC series, but this one surely beats all! Now, about all the points.
Well, I also want to say something to the makers of the levels. Craccoboy and COOLMAN, this is truly yet another masterpiece you brought to JJ2. I am also very pleased that Coolman worked on this level, this might earn him more admiration when it comes to level making. And now he can share something of the fame, he missed that when Craccoboy made other famous levels, such as Cracco Land of Coins, Cracco Land of Wars, Cracco Assault; Cave Intension, Cracco Practice Race, Cracco Bacco, Cracco Empire and more. Very well, I’ll stop writing now. I hope you don’t ever stop making levels as long as you’re with us, both of you!
(Rating removal. Do not rate higher due to clan affiliations. You have received low access, but you still need to follow the rules in the future. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Universal Warzone:
Cool music :), nice layout. Very circular gameplay, almost no dead ends. I only don’t like the overdose of warps :P. Nice event placement. Not too less/much springs.
Holy Land:
Application Error – Acces Violation.
Doomsday Darkdream:
Cool! This shows how you can sue the evil tileset “Darkness” by evil mirrow. The event placement is again good, the music is again nice, the lightning is cool, Jazz2 is cool.
Grazzy mountains:
Blegh! No, actually, this is the worsest level of the pack. It’s not bad, however, but I don’t like the design and music too much. The music gets very irritating after some minutes (like the JJ1 Diamondus music).
So, this pack gets a 7,5 from me. Get it.[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]
A great pack, but a long download!
Great (and nice) pack!
I gave you mention off all bugs I found yesterday.
What they said, by… No, but seriously. Mirrow’s tileset pack is a very decent pack, contianing 3 high quality tilesets. The city tileset looked very cool. The bricks looked good, the whole thing is easy to use. It has a good layer 8 background, wich doesn;nt work to well textured. It has some diging machines, with those you can sorta make a construction site outside the city, where a new road is being made or something. The diging machines seem to be photos from real life, just like that red, nice looking car. Thety work good in the set, only they have some white pixels around them, wich looks sorta ugly. The thing i realy love in the city set, are those cute litle birds flying across the screen, they ook realy cool;). The jungle-danger or whatever set looks neat too. I remember seeing this one a long time ago, i like it. It has basic tree structures,n and good, forest-like ground. A major part in this set it the white-blueish ground, i dont know exactly what it resembles. Oh, and a note to disguise: The textured background here worked perfectly fine. The castle set may sorta be my least favorite. The layer 8 background loks pretty good, very good even, but it just does’nt fit in with the rest of the set. A textured sky would have probably looked much nicer. A good idea i saw here where those rotorblades(thats the name right?;). They make the whole thing look a litle more like a abandoned sawmill actuely, wich would have been a pretty sweet theme for the set. The blue bricks where well drawn, but they did’nt have slopes, wich is bad. I want slopes in every sort of surface tiles, to be able to improve gameplay. The example levels by our o’ll friend Fear aka Blackdeath on J2O where pretty good. I must admit i did’nt finish them, i just looked at them for fun. Actuely seeing the sets was enough for me. A high (or low?) 8. points. Tileset fans, get these.
C’mon VIolet, can i help it if i’m a lousy speller some times?:P
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.