Review by merder

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 2 Organizer
Level rating: 8.2

i get an oreo that the program cant find this(COMDLG32.OCX)

Review by King Cold, galactic ruler

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Newage
Level rating: 8.9

agrees with all the others:P

Review by Doomsday

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Newage
Level rating: 8.9

Very, very good. Cool music, levels, good tileset use.. Just awesome.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Big Hotel
Level rating: 2.8

How… Disgusting.

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Bootcamp funstuff
Level rating: 7.1

I must say that to me, this is not realy a fairly good tileset, maybe even bad. The idea is nice, but from mirrow, i was realy expecting a LOT more then this crappy litle tileset. 6.0 Points, +0.2 for the funny name;). No download recomendation, sory :-\

Review by Hawkin 87

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: DARKNESS (delta vers.)
Level rating: 8.3

Wow. Nowhere near Agama’s recent jungle set, o course, but REALLY cool. :-)

Do it again sometime REAL soon!

Merry Christmas,
Hawkin 87 :-)[This review has been edited by Hawkin 87]

Review by Bobby aka Dizzy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: DARKNESS (delta vers.)
Level rating: 8.3

Nice tilset here. Everything is well done and I have no major complaints. I’d say more, but it would be just rehashing what others said.

Download now.

Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: DARKNESS (delta vers.)
Level rating: 8.3

Wow. I like this. Not just boring old 6.5 like, but like like.
Edit: Well, not so much anymore, but I still do.

The arrangement of the tiles is good, (idiot proof, as someone once said) the artwork on the tiles is good as well. Indeed, one of the few things that lowers this rating is the Masking.
Edit: Now the textured background is bad too. Great “fix”.
The devils and spike chains don’t seem to have modified masks, and neither do those funky blocks that double as both destructable and moving scenery. And in my opinion, background mountain ranges and the like should always have hidden mask messages. Remember that next time. :P
Edit: Ok, the devils and the moving/destructable blocks are fixed. However, other things have worse masking then before. (Especially the mountain ranges) Not to mention you could have really done a better job with the Devils’ masking.

Anyway, this tileset is well done, with good artwork, and tile choice. The stuff with the glowing balls that can be removed from their sockets and replaced somewhere else leads to a widevariety of puzzles, I’d say, the one springing to mind the most being key/lock.
Edit: Cows.

Download this. I dare you.
Edit: Yeah, still do.

(By the way, Mirrow, there’s a bug in the Battle example level. The long sucker tube. Go in it and you’ll see what I mean.)
Edit: You still haven’t fixed it.

Edit: Rating sucessfully decreased .5 points. Just like >CelL<. Much can be learned from him.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: DARKNESS (delta vers.)
Level rating: 8.3


Review by Blade

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Temple of the Uglies
Level rating: 8.1

Firstly, you use a old version of the tileset. But, it is not necessary to use it. Only cosmetic changes I think.

This level is the best Aztec level I’ve seen. Unknown Rabbit has figured out almost all possibilities of the tileset. The level design is the best I’ve seen and it was challeging (can you say like this??). The event placement rocks. The music just sounds a little bit cheap, and it is from JJ1, right?
Great work, Unknown Rabbit.

And to the other people: Yeah, my first one was a little crappy.[This review has been edited by Blade]

Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: DARKNESS (delta vers.)
Level rating: 8.3

This is a very coolish set. I liked Discofever a bit more, to me it is till mirrow’s masterpiece. Mirrow showed this set to me some time ago. When i saw it, i was already pretty impressed. This set has many stuff for creating cool eyecandy. It’s good for all sorts of levels. It has some cool stuff, like animated litle monsters, probably created as enemys for that campaign that was never finished. Sorta reminds me of the mummy bunnys in Tomb Rabbit’s final temple, they ruled;). The set also has some diferent types of ground, like sand, stone and stuff. This way you can create pretty cool levels, like a ancient stone building standing in the desert or something like that.. It also has the good old water, like the jungle sets and Agama’s swamp tileset. It has sorta ‘spike-ish’ tube thingys, dont know a corect name for them right now;), that you can use as background and foreground decoration. It has lamps and torches, standing on pillars, wich can be used as lights. There is a well made textured background for layer 8, and for layers 5-7, Mirrow added some nice looking moutians. To add to this, mirrow also created 3 pretty coolish example levels. I had already seen one of them, the CTF one, but the others looked great. Ammo placement was good, and gameplay was very circular, with (almost) no dead ends and stuff. Of course, they make very good use of the tileset, but thats why they are the example levels. Mirrow also used one pretty spiffy custom music file for the battle level, called ‘cages.s3m’. It was a good choice, it rocks and fits the level well. I liked it;).I am very happy that mirrow’s “Secret tileset” has been released, and must recomend you all to download this. Mirrow succesfully fixed the masking bugs in the tileset too. The slopes are normaly masked now, so are the spike thingys and such. I am VERY glad the textured background was fixed. The monsters are still sorta ‘rocky’ animated, even at best, i discovered this when trying to animate them. Try to make their animations more like the zombys from Tomb Rabbit. Because mirrow was able to fix the major masking bugs, and even add a inviseble text string in the mask;), i’ll be generous and give him his 8.5 bacl. Good job mirrow.[This review has been edited by >CelL<]

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Structured CTF pack
Level rating: 8.9

Excellent…it literally rocks. :-) (Not more than the pyramids though)

Well, since it is nearly xmas…I’m going to review far too much and write far too little.

WOOHOO!!! (-D[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]

Review by Doomsday

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: HappyCTF
Level rating: 8.9

Very, very cool CTF levels. Probably the best ever created.

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: space lava
Level rating: 4.1

Evil. Eviler, Evilest. (Wooooo-hoooo! Grammar police!)

Anyway. This is not a so-good level. The music is cool (mist be me, a spacey techno music fan ;) but the level isn’t. The design is weird, the tubes are weird, the layers are weird, I am weird.

I won’t talk about the evil fall, Aiko did some great speech about that so that’s enuf’. Now I’m getting weirder because I’m a cow so get the 4,5 and run away.

Review by et

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cool Tiles
Level rating: 4.7

Ok, this is my new way of ranking tilesets, This tileset will start off with 10 points, and I will remove points by everything that is wrong with the tileset

-1 There are heaps of blank spaces
-2 There is no diagnal tiles
-1 The palette isn’t very nice looking, colours arn’t in a particualar order
-2 The backgrounds arn’t very good
-3 no fore ground or back ground stuff, eg, mountains, rivers, that sort of stuff

That equals 1, so far

+1 it has stuff like vines, destructive blocks, etc
+1 The tileset has a mask
+1 A nice variaty of colours
+0.5 I think those ladders are cool, keep the masking so that each step of the ladder, jazz hangs on, but you should make the bits thinner in the mask. Its ok when the ladder is a vine, but when its a hook, you have to really hit the jump button about 6 times just to go up 1 tile.

Ok, thats gives an overall of 4.5

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Disco Dreams
Level rating: 7.4

Evil music, cool level.

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JOL School
Level rating: 2.7

I’ll be short about this: Don’t download it.

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Colonial Chaos
Level rating: 6.2

This level shows that it’s hard to create interesting levels with the tileset. This level is IMO kinda boring, it has some ammo, not too much, much empty space, and no sewers (too bad). 5,2, and no download recommendation. Sorry, Nitro.

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cool Tiles
Level rating: 4.7

Crap. Sorry, Roseta, but this is some kind of crap. The tileset has some 3D-ish tiles and siome evil painty tiles. There’s much empty room in the set, and that makes it hard tosee wath belongs to what. There are also no diagonal tiles, only blocks, wich makes it hard to make a level with this. Thr background (4×4 tiles) is 63×63 in pixel size, no 64×64 so you can’t really let it fit together. The vines are working, but they are not from high quality. The major problem of this set is that there are no “end pieces”, the tiles where you can make the end of a bar from, or the end of a vine, and that the tiles doen’t really fit together. They are all in stes of 4 tiles, but you can’t really use them as one, big, level or platform. That’s the problem. Now you know.

I think a 4,0 is a good rating for this. If it isn’t, that’s not my problem ;)

Review by Wild Bill

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Cool Tiles
Level rating: 4.7

yea curved scenery is nice, but its hard to make and connect it all together. tileset is too blocky and the ladders are just bad, i couldnt climb up them(i believe that the horozontal lines are too thick). like buster said, the stars are way to busy and hard to see. keep on trying.