Please send more files next time. I’ll be sending a 10, 11 meg. onesoon with near 40. (dependent on size. :-P)
[Music files that belong to a pack are not to be rated -Fquist][This review has been edited by Fquist]
Read the last line of above review: Ditto here. There just aren’t enough of those good ol’ singles.. Oh well, down to buisiness. This is a fairly decent single, but the set and music are VERY BORING!!! (I shall soon release a good size collection of music that will ufortunatley be HUGE!!!! (10, 11 megs) but have at least 30, 40 music files for level use.) Puzzles… I LOVE PUZZLES!! YAY!! WOOOOO!!!…. (ahem.) sorry. (:-(
Other than the music and set, this is awesome.
Hawkin 87
Ey CelL,
ik heb nu niet echt zo een zin om in het Engels een review te geven, dus wie NL is heeft geluk wie geen Nederlands begrijpt, heeft pech gehad!
Nu over die level,
ten eerste plaats, dat regen zat me een beetje tegen, is het niet wat te veel?
Het geeft nog aardig lag ook in, moet je nagaan in SingePlayer is het al Ong. 18-20 fps, hoeveel zal het in Multiplayer zijn? 0? (Nou ja, dat ook weer niet)Tja, en het Eyecandy dat regen gedoe is eyecandy en is niet echt zo perfekt…en er niet meer zoveel Eyecandy behalve dat ding dat achter je beweegt, en beneden nog rook ofzo….ik weet niet echt wat het is. (Ik kan trouwens eigenlijk niet zoveel zeggen over het regen, het naam zegt het: Stone Rain..duzz, geen punten mee af.)
Enne…de Tileset, ja…, die is niet echt het Toppertje(vind ik), het leuke eraan is wel die beelden die erin zitten en wat extra stuff enzo…maar verder..naaah.
Muziek, het muziek heb je heel mooi uitgekozen voor de level, past wel. Ammo Placement…is wel goed…(denk ik) Uhm…verder, HmMm…ja de quality denk ik, Violet zij het al, volgens mij besteedt je niet echt zoveel tijd aan je levels, maar toch, ik vind dat zij erg laag rate soms, zo laag was het rate ook weer niet van deze level. Dus een 7.5 van mij.
En sorry van het Nederlands….
~Çya -$aiyan
yippieyee another jazz2 skin
i like skins
I CANT SEE THE SKIN!!![This review has been edited by STEELIX]
why always he gets high ratins while i just get three or something like that
not that youre levels are bad… but
by the way, what is so bad about tcf?
that question has been keeping burnin into my mind…
Just wondering, but if this isn’t a TSF tileset, then why didn’t u simply make this in 1.23 so that everyone could have it? do you not have 1.23 or sumin?
Well, I reviewed this fast. :P
This level, in my opinion, isn’t all that good. CelL, I believe you are making levels at such a fast rate you don’t spend much time on quality any more, just quanity.
Now, I don’t like Jazzed Realm all that much, but even so, this level didn’t use it very well.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Huge+hard+puzzle= bingo.
The level was pretty big, it kept me busy for about 6 or 7 mins, which is pretty neat for a single player level. It was hard, and hard= good. Puzzles were very good, dunno really what to say about them. The tileset is IMO a bit boring, but since it is not yours, I can’t really complain to you. Music was boringggggg…almost made me fell asleep, could have gone sleeping in that giant maze forever, ya know…
Overall: Very Good level. Some small things (music+set) make it boring, but you should play it anyway. Hardcore battlers should stay away from it : hurray for Single Player!
Cool! Discofever! +0.2 for that! But however, the lvl isn’t THAT good at all. Let’s divide the review into sections as in the good old days shall we? ;-)
Well, as we all know, Cell can make really confusing lvls with all sorts of tilesets, but I don’t think it’s possible with mirrow’s idiotsafe Discofever. The gameplay really rock (not more than the pyramids though) and there are no annoying obstacles. Instead, there are well placed platforms and right type of springs in the right place. In short, the gameplay is…good. :) But, however, there is a dead end at the roof of the hotel/discostudio/whatever and, once again, I strongly advise you to mask the corners of the lvl cause ppl tend to get stuck a split second when they run into them. Also, there are annoying background tiles and you can’t make out what tiles you can walk on, and what tiles you can’t. Try to fix that Cell, after all, Discofever is (in my opinion) idiotsafe. :)
Eyecandy isn’t really this lvl’s strong point. There’s loads of lights and stuff and funky characthers dancing and some street stuff but that’s all. There is simply not enough eyecandy to satisfy me. Since there aren’t many lvls out there using Discofever as its tileset, I advise you to look at mirrow’s example and battle lvl and of course my battle lvl Disco Palace for some inspiration. With a little time, you should be able to fix the eyecandy Cell. Ah! And I like the trigger effects. ;-) Aaaaaand two more things: Make the background mountains move!!! And also, the pink moon doesn’t fit the sky, it’s background is grey and the sky is black. Use the white moon instead.
Moderate… There isn’t enough ammo. That’s the only bad point about it. Otherwise, weapons placement is ExcellenT.
Well, I’m sorry for this 6.7 Cell, but it just cannot get an higher rating from me. But since other ppl like it, I’ll give it an download recommendation anyway.
White Rabbit.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
I have no coment at this time.
Downloads truble, Downloads Trouble, Downloads trouble, what the heck!
Finaly, id download this cool level pack. Either way, you cannot save sometimes, that make it extreme hard and imposible!
But who says it was going to be Easy? :)
This pack is cool, but need to play it 2-3 times for get it.
Great Titel-set.
No more words for this perfect titel-set.
OK, pal..
Outside – OK, makes a good feel
of night streets spirit. I’d make a bit
more ppl tho.
Inside – OK too. One Beaver,
lots of Jazzes, Spazes, and a few Loris.. Very cool indeed.
Eyecandy – OK – allright.
All: 3/3.
You made many things. The RF power’s
easy to approach. Tip? Just turn on Low Detail. :P I think it’s Jazz-friendly, just use Uppercut. (If someone comes down, there’s a chance to hit him :P
All: 3/3
Items get 2/2. 3+3=6+2=8. Full 8.
Plus a Tip. (download recommendation)
(I was on Cell’s Server, and I played this lvl)
you know the funny thing is half these people would have rated this before even d/ling it
very hard to use especially if your concerned about the look of your level however the quality is great and the eyecandy is fine. also it misses some tiles such as sucker tubes up vines swinging poles. it’s hard to rate this as it is a great tileset but not so great as i’ve yet to see a level that uses it.
Feedme? ok ill take that as 2 spelling mistakes not actually feedme :P
anyway this is a cool battle level dispite the fect its part hotel (battle all the way through though) there are however too many carrots :P
i also think theres a full energy carrot in this lvl change that to a 1 energy carrot at least.
Pretty tough level. Good eyecandy and use of the tileset. There were a few places that I got stuck at though, but that’s not your fault. 8.5
Couple of pretty nice CTF levels. Get these now.[This review has been edited by Bod xan dbz]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.