Well well well, what’s left to be said?
Verily, this is a super-niftular tileset.
Alright, now down to business…
Okay, it has problems. Allow me to introduce you to the standard tilesets…
This is probably the first tileset I’ve ever seen that is on par with the tilesets of JJ2. I can think of several that certainly come very close, but this one takes the cake. It is beautiful.
Okay, there are some visual problems, but again comparing it with the regular JJ2 tilesets, this is nothing we can’t overlook. You want perfection? You won’t find it in any tileset. But some come close, like this one.
As for problems and difficulty making levels with it…
Well, okay. Point taken. I rate a 9.5, not a 10.
Anyone try to make a level with Beach? How about the Lab set? Some of the JJ2 sets are very difficult to use, even frustrating. But somehow, those sets still maintain a following, and we press on.
This set isn’t perfect, but it is worth the trouble.
Well done Agama.
Yes, another one.
Frankly, I had to curb my expectations when I downloaded this. I’ve seen a few JJ Winamp skins, and none of them have been very good.
This one, however, isn’t half bad. In fact, it’s pretty good visually. Very pleasent look to it, and the cursors are very nice.
It takes a minimalist approach, but that is perfectly acceptable at times.
All in all, this one COULD have gotten a higher rating, but it gets a 7 and not, say, a 9, because this skin basically kills some of Winamp’s functionality.
What I mean to say is, I hope you don’t fiddle with your equalizer a lot, because this skin completely hides the EQ beneath a nifty Jazz/Spaz pic.
The resulting look is good, but effectivly eleminating one whole window requires a lower scoring.
Why do I still give it a 7? Isn’t that pretty high?
Well, maybe, but if you’re like me and have one special EQ setting that you keep Winamp on all the time, then the fact that this skin hides the EQ shouldn’t bother you. In fact, you’ll probably like it.
Bottom line: It has a nifty minimalist look to it, and if the lack of an EQ doesn’t bother you, you’ll probably like it.
Nooooooooo, not another one! :P
That puzzle took me like half an hour to complete, but it was all worth it at the end. Very fun!
Could be Haze Hideout too :D
anyway, it is a very nice puzzle. The music was a bit irritating IMO though. Good job!
At the first place, a Happy Birthday!
Second, the pack. It’s a nice level pack;
-The most levels are good eyecandy, only, like Splash said in his review, the many stuff you’ve added to it is sometimes annoying..
-The gameplay is pretty good; the levels are not to small, so you have some space to move.
-The music is good. You chose the right music for the right levels, only next time you should put the music files into the same WinZIP file as the levels and tilesets.
-The weapon placement is not bad…but could be better.
Well, i like this pack, and rate it with an 8.2! Good job.
Cool! I really like the puzzle. BTW, where did you get the picture from?
Jazz unfriendly?! Bah! :-P
Oh well, nm. Let’s get on with the review: (and it’s gonna be a short one this time)
OK…uhm…good weapons placement although I don’t like the idea of having so few bouncers.
Very good eyecandy but maybe a little too extreme.
The gameplay is excellent. No obstacles like in Maniac Land.
100% Lori friendly for TSF users. :-) (But since it’s a 1.23 lvl I won’t raise my rating)
The lvl tend to be a little too confusing, but you can fix it by cutting down on the foreground layer eyecandy and take the snow away.
Here’s an 7 and a download recommendation.
White Rabbit.
Hey, this is some pretty good stuff. A funny puzzle to keep you busy on Christmas Evening. Download recommended!
Happy birthday, White Rabbit :)
Yeah, these are really cool levels, and like mirrow already said, your ideas are very original!
I mostly like “Scraper City”.
I wish I was such a good level builder… sigh
Good work!
- Skulg
neato. this is a pretty cool puzzle with some cool music. good job. download this!
yea what Unknown said. not really good. no download recommendation.[This review has been edited by Wild Bill]
Actually, it’s very easy to reach the Seeker powerup with a VERY SIMPLE buttstomp.
As for the level and tileset, neither of them are really excellent.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. Nowadays this is a cool tileset. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Personally, I don’t like this. Practically no detail whatsoever.
(Unsupported rating removal edit.~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
As far as I can tell, this doesn’t have anything to do with Hogs. It also needs more springs. There are plants, but they’re in a layer 5. Also no other eyecandy.
The layout is nothing spectacular, and as I said, it needs more springs. No powerups, so this could pass as a not that good GT level. Except for maybe the carrot part, which I don’t remember seeing.
I’m giving this a 5.0, plus .2 for the stupid name.
I like the level but their are a few fouls in it …….
The thing is it’s very unfriendly for jazz …
With spazz it’s ok to handle …
Keep it up..!!!!!
Tha jokerzz
This is really a test of your jazzing skills!
It took me about 10 mins to get to level 4 then i really got stuck.
I think its ace to test your self on.
Not bad for your 1st try assassin, post another once you get a bit better @ using your program.
This is cool!
Vert nice and usefull program :D
This is a nice level by Super Saiyan. The eyecandy and all is nice, but at times I find it excessive. It can be a little hard to tell what is forground and what is scenery at times.
Layout in this level I would consider a little poor. You have a too many dead ends and a few places that lend themselves to a single player level rather than a battle.
Also, in the level I found numberous places that I had a much harder time getting to with Jazz as opposed to Spaz.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.