hee cool tileset
im give a 8
This = an very godo idea bud realy this level is small it just doesnt earn an 10
(Do not cheat the reviewing system. After all, you should be a godo J2O member bud if you are not, you = low access. Understand? Godo. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
If this is one of your first battle levels, i must say that i’m impressed. This is a farily well designed level, with a huge network of tubes. The level seems to be sorta divided into 3 parts, a red part, a yellow part and a grey part. The level itself is way to large, but pretty well built. It has some good ideas, like tubes transporting you to difirent places if you enter them at difirent times. This, though, meks the level a litle iritating to play. If you are just chacing someone and fall into one of the tubes, you’ll sometimes be transported to the other end of a wall, in wich case you lose your victem:P. This sorta lowers gameplay. But not considering that, this is a pretty cool level that no one should miss. Get this now.
Spaz is unable to reach the seeker powerup too:P. You need to get a TNT under it somehow, in wich Jazz and Lor may be even BETER then Spaz:P
Not what I had in mind. Good effort though.
There were many problems with this level. I think you should use less enemies, more puzzles and practice using tilesets properly (look at other levels for examples). Just make sure that you take time on making levels.
Mine gives runtime error 5.
Another short review by White Rabbit.
1. Very nice eyecandy.
2. Very good weapons placement.
3. Good lvl designs.
4. Original ideas.
5. Marvellous trigger effects.
1. In the swamp lvl, you can get stuck on the drums.
2. Lvls are…VERY confusing. BTW, as Cmdr Dats said: Foreground layer rain DOES NOT work.
3. Bad gameplay for some lvls. Too much obstacles.
4. Food in MP lvls is not good.
5. In evil3 (I forgot the name) the weapons are too unbalanced. Try to add more toasters, RFs and less fastfires.
6. The 50 coins seeker powerup is also too annoying. Reduce it to 20 and it will be more accessible and makes the weapons more balanced.
7. This is all.
7.7 it is.
White Rabbit.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
This is gonna be a short one…
Tileset is ok but it’s kinda boring and lacks eyecandy. The lvl is quite good too but it’s very confusing and somehow, I haven’t been able to reach the seeker powerup with Jazz or Lori which lowers rating cause it’s very unfair if only Spaz players can get the seeker powerup.
7.0 and a download recommendation it is!
White Rabbit.
(I hope it was the yawning that caused you to give this unacceptably low score. Rating removed. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
‘Evilmikes hidden temple’ is a realy l33t battle level. It makes pretty good use of one of Evilmikes tilsets, wich one some points reminds me of JJ1: Deserto. The design of the level is very circular, thus creating pretty fluent gameplay. There is good weapen placement. The coins for the bonus waro are well devided, not to litle, not too much. The use of layers is also very nice. I like the way the level is divided int two sections: the hidden temple and the desert outside. It is a litle small, but thats not much of a pitty. I am going to give this a pretty high 8.0 points and a download recomendation.
Finally, a SP lvl! does the little dance
One funny level, using one of the most overused tilesets out there, Carrotus. The level is mainly about stomping crates and solving puzzles, but still some baddies to fry. The layout was good, the eyecandy wasn’t that good. mostly empty spaces, or lineair placed plants ‘n pumpkins, but I think this does not affect the fun of this level. At the end there is an unbeatable boss (how the heck am I supposed to kill the Bilsy, when Im already at low power, and then I have to evade his fireballs in a room of 10×4! oh well…)
The single player fans, of which there aren’t many these days (it’s a shame I tell ya, a shame!) should download it immediately. It even makes me wonder why you haven’t yet, but took the time to read my review :D. Other people might want to check it out. 5 a 10 mins fun guaranteed.
First of all, I would like to give thanx for Nitro’s superb feedback for the DBZ tileset Payback and I made. Second, this is a TSF level, not 1.23. Third, this is not how you should construct a level with the tileset. And last, the level itself isn’t WoW, also, the idea isn’t that great to use in Jazz.
I wanted to give it a 1. However, because of you daring to take a risk putting in a new mode, I’ll add + 2. :)
FC PIKACHU TBT, please rate FAIR.
[This review has been edited by SPLASHcc]
Nice idea, but I’ve got some comments:
-Bad Spelling :)
-You didn’t include the (non-fitting)music
-Tileset doesn’t fit for this kind of stuff
-Do this with MSN, ICQ or AIM.
Altough, a 5 for the idea
First of all you copied the idea from I forgot his name.
The tileset sucks- I hate DBZ as much as Pokemon.
You didn’t use any tiles and a bad background.
I’m not that mean, but this truely sucks.
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
It’s a nice tileset overall, and the first Japanese tileset made for Jazz 2. It contains various Japanese houses and lamps and stuff like that, but there are some drawbacks:
1) There are tiles ripped from epic tilesets (trees, backround trees, mountains), bad, BAD mistake in my opinion, I don’t like it.
2) The textured background doesn’t work. There are ppl who would gladly help you with it (I am one myself), just ask ;)
3) On an artistic note, the ground tiles lack texture, it’s one colour all the way through (except the 2 eye candy tiles, but that doesn’t help too much). If you took more time in drawing those, your rating would’ve boosted, and your tileset would’ve looked a lot better. It’s the most important block of the tileset, and the one used the most.
Another thing. Good job for placing about 1000 boards around that tell ppl NOT to rate the level, I like that ;)
Sucky level but that’s not what I rated :P
steals elavater’s mask
THOSE LIFTS RULE! they actually work. _
The tileset is good, a few un-neccery tiles but still good.
Download recomendation=Yup =)
Terrible masking, very glitchy.
Doesn’t look good (you couldn’t ahve made it look good.)
All tiles stolen except for a few poorly done ramps.
I had to try a few times to pass it but kept getting into glitches.
Good and orginial idea though. :)
Next time give more time to it.
NO download recomendation..
(Rating removal. While the review itself was acceptable, there was no need to rate so low. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
This is one of the most original levels I have seen for a long time. The tileset may be made of ripped tiles from Dethmans tileset, 7th Lava falls, quite afew of the tiles from that were off Unreal and Unreal Tournament (another Epic game). The background could have been better, I take off some points for that. The images of rabbits on skateboards were good I have to admit, I think one of the pics is from when Jazz gets out a carrot :)
The level is cool with the grind poles, and the jumps (whatever they are called). The effect of jumping and the board not following looks good because it seems like you’ve jumped off the board (I’ve forgotten what that is called). I think you have missed afew tiles though, such as the dotted ones :), they look ok in some ways, but when your a frog, they are a major error.
Thats about all I can think about to review this on, oh, and I think your choice of boss at the end was exellent :)[This review has been edited by ET]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.