This is a pretty spiffy litle tileset, creating a nice skateboarding envirement. Most of the tiles where ripped from Overlord ‘Top secret’ set and Dethmans ‘7th Lava Fall’ seT. I think you can be happy o’ll Dethy is’nt around here anymore, because if he would see this, there’d be no telling what he’d do. For as far i know, Overlod is’nt to hard on people using tiles from his sets:P. The tileset is pretty sweet and stuff. It has some basic tiles, and also some new, nice looking ones, like Jazz and Spaz on skateboards and stuff. Even ‘tho this is a new tileset, it was uploaded as single player, so i will be fair, and rate the level, not the set. The level makes pretty nice use of the set, It uses the pretty coolishly tracked ‘Aryx’ tune, wich does’nt ‘REALY’ fit in, but is still a nice adition. The level itself is not to hard or long, but still pretty fun. It uses some skateboarding texts and stuff like that, wich is pretty neat. Its not very good though, but i woke up in a good mode today, so this 6.0 is yours.
‘Ed Japan’ is a new, fresh tileset by Splash. Its got some stuff to make it feel like a real old Japanese vilage, like Japanese looking houses and stuff. Its got the basic destruct blocks, in a pretty spiffy orange-geyish colour:P. Some of the ground or actuely most of it, was taken from Splash’s ‘Dragonball continued’ tileset, but still look very good in this set. The ground is nice, looks pretty well drawn. The set also has other basic tiles, like the well known spikes, vines and suckertubes. Splash also put in a neatly animated elevator, like in his ‘Dragonball continued’ set and Agamas ‘Sirius’ set. There are also some plants, taken from the ‘Carottus’ tileset by epic, but still fiting in pretty neatly. Splash also put in some Japanese looking rabbits, wich are also pretty well drawn. Even ‘tho there are some thing taken from JJ2 stets, like the river and trees from Carottus, and the mountians and textured background(wich doesnt work to well) from Holiday hara day, this is a pretty spiffy tileset. It deserves my 7.2 and my download recomendation.
Well, ninja, thank yeh kindly.
Cool, Finally someone has made a Japanese tileset as I have a music file people seem to think it sounds japanese and it might fit this :)
nice dude. i cant believe paint could make a tileset this good. lol. yea its nice except for the stuff you ripped from JJ2. but overall, nice buildings and samuri rabbits. 7.7 man, good job.
HOLY JUMPIN JESUS!!!!!! Awesome work here, folks. D/l this NOW!!! OR I SHALL FIND YOU AND… just kidding.
(Rating removed. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
nifty original funny
Cool These are really good
One other thing how come u cant use black in tilesets???????????
Come on whats your secret to making cool tilesets come on tell me
also how do u make it so jazz was brown and the stuff changed colours ;)
wel white rabbit said i had to review this so here it is
i think these lvl aren’t bad at all the’re even quit good, but i already nu some of them like scraper city and that beach lvl
If you would’ve read the description, you’d know i did’nt have 1.23 when i made this:P
Wow, This tileset is beautiful. It almost makes me want to be there. I think the way you changed the palette is good as well, exept I don’t really like Jazz and Spaz in brown, but I guess they have mud on them :). I also love the bushes with the paws leaping out, and the eyes that apear and look around, and the little head that pokes out of the bushes. It may be decoration, but it just adds to the originality of the tileset. The tiles are beautifully drawn, the pallet is made like epics, but there is only one thing stopping me giving this tileset a 10. Play it in low detail. I think a true tileset, you shouldn’t have to use layer 5 if it can be avoided.
You have no shadow tiles linking to the light tiles so you can’t have tile connections without the use of layer 5. Sorry, but thats the only weakness I can see. The reast of the tileset is FANTASTIC
A really nice tileset by Agama.
Beautiful graphics, and nice animations.
But not perfect though.
It takes a while to find the right part of the tree that fits.
The destruct blocks don’t look too good.
The hole in the tree took me 15 mins to figure out, could’ve been better.
I don’t really like the sprites, normal would’ve been better.
I agree with Shad on the rating.
this is not an very very good tileset i gave it an 4.7 like u see
it is absolute exelent
Nice idea, avarage design, ripped tiles..
hey im the first to review a level! well anyways, this is a pretty cool level using the carrotus tileset. nice all-around gameplay.
[Unsupported (7.2) rating removal. Please give more details on why it’s good. – FQuist]
this is cool. nice totally usuable tileset. great graphics. deserves the score! download it.
sweet story, more jazz sets should contain storys, but levels also. 9.7 cuz this is awesome.
why the low review winner?? that aint right…
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.