Hmmmmmm. This is slightly too short, rather easy race level. The only really hard part is the pinball area, but I guess the others are decent enough to make up for the lack of size. Not sure how this would work with a lot of people though.
The eyecandy is what can be expected with this tileset.
The gameplay is decent.
The music choice is pretty good.
There are no enemies, fortunately.
Over all, this is a decent level.
(Advertising removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Wow! Very cool! Kinda short but the difficulty of it makes up for that (especially the steps of recoil).
I think all of your levels are underrated…
This level has good eyecandy, a decent layout (at least it’s better than Dethman’s 7thlavafall levels), and it does have some originality in it. It’s not perfect, so i’m giving it an 8.2 (just fix the glitches).
BTW, i think you should make your levels in packs of 5 or 6. This way, you’re more likely to get higher ratings (and so i won’t have to download each level seperately :).
It’s decent, though im not crazy about it. But i’ll make it an 8 cuz race levels are still kinda rare (but not as rare as treasure levels) and the concept is good (i suppose).
BTW, you should make more battle levels like Chocolate Lamp :P
There are bad programs, there are average programs, and then there are Overlord programs. Cataclysm is simply the best server maintnence tool you can find today. If your server has ever had a cheating problem, then set this program up and leave your computer. You need not worry that your server has quietly crashed or turned into a chaotic spree of cheating while you are gone. It may not have Controller’s flexibility, but it certainally is a great anti-cheating program. If you ever have a server running while you are gone (or even, for that matter, when you are there, but have something other than looking for cheating to pay attention to) run this program. Download recommendation.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Well, I’ve changed my mind. This is a great tileset. Just a bit hard to use, but visually a Breakthrough.
Trafton: rating lowering edit. I have decided that I only will give out 10’s from now on to perfect works. I’m still waiting for one. ;-P[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
PRO: It has music.
CON: It exists.
Not bad, but doesn’t always work, and even when it does, it is a tad bit buggy.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Cool level. Above average.
There is quite a problem facing reviewing a level such as this one. In esscence, this problem is to many either a question of patriotism or a question of fair reviewing. Myself, I do feel every sympathy for the thousands who died in this attack (I know many people who had family members who died, so my rating is not based off the fact that I do not think this was an important event). While it is true that what happened on that Tuesday is horrible and should remain in the memories of all for a long time, this level feels sort of disrespectful. I do not like the accusations here, though – URJazz did this out of respect for those who were killed. The whole idea of you all flaming eachother and accusing eachother of being against peace is much more disrespectful to those thousands of people who lost their lives than a level could ever be, perhaps. Still, this is not a good level at all. Eyecandy is poor. Gameplay is non-existant. The music, “Bittersweet Symphony” by an English unfairly-one-hit-wonder band called the Verve (actually an illegal loop of the Rolling Stones song recovered by the Symphonics – which is why they are no longer around). This level just is not good. As well-intended as it may be, it just does not come off well. Regardless, please show respect for everyone – regardless of whether you rated this level low or high.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Violet CLM: Indeed, indeed, there is quite a problem. I find the best solution is to remove all the ratings.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
OK for a first tileset but you have confusion on what’s essential vs. what isn’t.
Needs work on the eyecandy, but it has potential.
How to make these tilesets:
Copy, paste, repeat.
Copy, paste, repeat.
Copy, paste, repeat…
Yeah, my butterfish agrees with Luckyguy. There aren’t that many.
Bad tileset, by the way.
Like Eclairs from the Ritz, way to small, but good quality.
Not being able to affort PhotoShop, I know how you feel. I use Paint, too. However, this is still not very good.
3d elect and Jazz Run Forest are the only usable tilesets here. The rest are just ugly and impossible. Make 1 good tileset, and maybe you’d get better reviews. Roseta Real Set isn’t even a “Real Set” as it claims.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Regardless of how long you worked, this tileset is poor. It is basically only platforms. The level, which I omitted from the above rating, has serious problems.
Very vivid colors. I really like the tileset. For some reason when I was a n00b I commented on some music. Likely in my head. ;-P[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.