Good job Flash.
You created some nice levels:
~nice eyecandy (only it’s sometimes a bit confused);
~pretty good weapon placement;
~you used the pretty difficult tilesets very good;
~a good warp ‘placement’.
I gif a 8.2 for these nice designed levels and i recommend to download this little ‘pack’, people.
[This review has been edited by ÍpDøpé]
Sorry about the delay in reviewing this tileset. I sort of had taken a brake and playing Jazz2 and moved onto other stuff, like making games. Anyway, I have seen this tileset before and I though it was exellent. It covers a variaty of tileset. Its colourful/colorful (Australian – American) and allows you to make a variety of levels. The music sort of doesn’t match each level, but when you put all the levels together, it sort of does. Anyway, these are my awards in the tileset
Best texture – Mountains
Most original animation – the ant hole
And I also love the way that you can change the periods of the day and stuff. I give this tileset an 8.453432958305839 :) And since I can’t select that, I’ll give it an 8.5. An extra 0.046567041694161, and to think I get a b in maths ;)
The word “evil” +1
Eyecandy +4
Atmosphere +3
+.2 A gift
Download Reccomendation BRONZE
Always one of my faves. I fell in love with it after the Anniv. Bash. Good times!
Download Reccomendation GOLD
As everybody else said, “Not bad, but a cramped layout”. I guess that wasn’t a direct quote. Oh well.
Download Reccomendation SILVER
Ah, buggy betas.
Nice level with good eyecandy.
Download Reccomendation BRONZE
First-Level-By-Mom-To-Get-6-Or-More Award
Oh, do I love a challange! And this was a great one!
Download Reccomendation SILVER[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Mediocre. Not especially bad, not especially good. Sorry. No Download Rec.
Don’t get discouraged. I think they aren’t bad. They may have some slight eyecandy troubles, but overall they’re not bad. When my first level got a 1, I kept making them. Never loose the faith.
Download Reccomendation PROMISING
(DISCLAIMER: A am a member of CC, however, this will not effect my judgement)
A good tileset, however you went overboard on the backgrounds. Complex to use, but worth it.
Download Reccomendation
Overly simple, but good. No download rec, though.
Near Perfection. Serious Download Reccomendation.
(Trafton: rating redone after extended play.)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Wow. I can’t believe I originally gave this a 7.5.
It’s a particurally uncreative level using the so-overused-it-looks-like-a-default-level-because-of-the-tileset-even-though-it-isn’t level-producing tileset known as Tube Electric Night. Everything about it, from gameplay to item placement, is below average. There’s really no reason to download this level, and that’s reflected in my rating. Sorry, but I couldn’t recommend this level to anyone. It’s just too generic.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
A very good pack overally, but really short.
The level itself I would say is just decent, but I love new concepts. The level I find lacks good obstacles in places though. For example, the last bit where the passage is limitted to one tile is nearly impossible to gain on someone and pass them. Overall the level makes a fun race though.
I’ll give this a 7.2 for the concept and level.
A very good level pack made by a few of the most talented level builders out there. These level realy rux0r. I dont realy have much to ad. Get this now, or….Slap:P
This is realy a li’ll l33t pack that nobody out there should miss! The levels are realy cool, especialy because of the tilesets. The tilesets where most likely not created to make custom level with, just for these 3 levels. I’m not gonna decrease my rating because of the tilesets. Its a big o’ll 8.5 from me. Eat it.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.