Nice work. Aldo u get kind lost of in it u know, because of colors in back ground…But u did a good job, and I respect it.
Regards from RC Duke
[Review changed to quick review.]
I like to give good grades, but this is AWESOME man. U did an perfect job.
Regards from RC DUKE
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NICE MAN. U did a HELL of a job. I LOVE IT. I respect your hard work, and i know how it fells like converting a map. MAN. The Battle 1 is a castle and i LOVE the castle tilesets,but what u did with it…I also like that there’s no copter, so u don’t have to wait, and all those modifications.It’s simply good. What to say i must give u a 10 … Oh and im enjoying it :D
Regards from RC Duke.
(Made quick review, since literally the only point you make is that there is no copter in this version. ~Violet)
Nice job. Only…u forgot to put the music when uploading and thats bad. Players actually need music for boost so u can only jump and shoot but there’s not much excitement in the level. But overall it’s very good, and by the way im not here to judge so ill only have to give u 8.2.
Regards from RC DUKE
(Made quick review, since literally the only point you make is that there is no music. Also, yes, you are here to judge by virtue of writing a review in the first place. ~Violet)
Great mix man. The two tunes simply collide making this song one of the best. NICE JOB.
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Nice job man. Its stunning. Duke out.
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Good job man. I hope u continue like this. :)
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Man u make the best music. This is my favorite tune that u made. Simply AWESOME. PERFECT job man. I have nothing more to say except (again) GOOD WORK.
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I am speechless man. Nice job. U can actually feel the soul of the song. I simply love it, its PERFECT.
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.
Use this to convert ur lvl into 1.23:
Most of jj2 players have TSF version, but not ALL…
[EDIT]Gladly see. Now its 1.23…
Köszi ez sokat segített! : )
This tileset have potential. Alot of potential. Altough, this tileset (for me) is messy and not so easy to use. I’ll give you 9….
Tomb Rabbit was better, bro.
What is the point of this lvl? lol
Quite reminds JJ1 Pezrock…. Anyway, good tileset.
Alien Spacelab is kind of crap but still useful and Corrupted Sanctuary is Awesome! GJ bro.
I promised a review here, but I can’t guarantee that It’ll be a good one….
The eyecandy is nice in the level, and has a great theme, however I say its heavily drawn back by the limitations of the tileset. Still feels nice nonetheless. What is missing? I think perhaps an emphasis on when you are nearing a pit, though I’m not quite sure how I’d emphasize such a thing with a tileset… Maybe putting some sort of food near the pits and there only, to signify danger? I’m not sure.
The gameplay is great, yet the layout can be confusing as with the placement of perhaps the carrots. I’ve played the map several times and still feel like I may not have learnt it properly, but again I blame the tileset for this for not allowing for as much variation as possibly intended. The level looks different from place to place, but some areas just confused me and reminded me of another part of the level. As for small tricks and gameplay gimmicks, I’d rate this high for the execution. Furthermore, PIT:nice.
This level should and will be played in JDC events and there is a great reason for that. The level is perfect for such an occasion. I still feel like I missed the point and haven’t learnt the level to its fullest. Please download, and play.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.