Hehe, i did’nt need to download this, it came with TSF:D. This is a pretty well designed level. It has a good use of the old, boring castle tileset. Download this clasic now. You wont regret it:p
Even though the Eye candy was not to the upmost extent, it didn’t take away from gameplay, which was awesome. Ok, I’m getting confusing right?
It was a great pack. I enjoyed playing it, was challenged, and liked the eye candy. I highly recomend this.
The only reason it got less that it did was because there were several annoying parts (car chase 2, the sand level, and the labrat level where you get stuck after going through the warp).
Eye candy, while nice, could’ve been a little better.
Just download it already! =)
This is one of the best single player levels around. (In my opinion.)
I’ve always enjoyed Wakeman’s levels, and this is no exception. Even though it’s a little short, It’s nice and challeging, and the Eye Candy is Excellent.
- A ton of very nice Eye Candy. There’s never a time when you’re looking at just the level. Wakeman Used all 8 layers, and the result is beatifullness.
- Puzzles. I havn’t palyed to many Single player levels, so I might be worng, but it uses some nice origional puzzle Ideas. To beat the level, you have to conquer several consecutive puzzles, which I find a lot more entertaining that a level with millions of baddies, that all the skill you need is to shoot.
- Good enemy placement. Even though there arn’t very many enemies, they are placed well, so that you really have to be paying attention to fight baddies, and conquer the puzzles. Also, Good choice on the enemies. They fit the level atmosphere, and are some of the more difficult ones.
- Nice lighting. This is one of those levels where you don’t want to turn ambient lighting off. Wakeman did a very good job on the lighting throughout the level. Though you start at 100% it goes down in a couple of placces revealing dazzling flickering lights, and pulze lights, and so on and so forth. When you eventually get to the last guy, It’s at about 30, but there is so much lighting you’d never know.
- Neato Last Guy area. Wakeman wisely picked the red tornado dude. It fits the scheme of the level, and it’s also the only last guy that’s not overused. The area where you fight him in is nice and challenging with respawning enemys, and excellent lighting.
- All layers at X-speed 0. Practially… Besides one layer in which there’s a large saturn-like planet, all the layers on in speed 0, meaning they are the same as Layer four. This, while delivering nice Eye candy, can be quite anoying at times, An improvement whould be to put 1 or 2 layers in the backgroudn and forground moving so that it’s easier to navigate around the level.
I give it a biased 9.7 =)
You should just NOT upload stuff like this. People know that they have to unclude stuff like poles and text, but I guess they are too lazy, thats all.
Hehe, not bad if you’re four years old i’d say :-P No, honestely, generally it’s always good to choose a custom tileset (as SPLASH already said), but when it comes to the legendary “J2LC_easter” i’m not that sure anymore…you have to admit: it looks very childish and a tad silly, too. Not my favourite style of course.
However, the actual level is pretty much okay. The authors tried to make it circular with many platforms and a sensible weapon placement. The layer work isn’t really worth mentioning because isn’t much of it at all (except the background clouds and some VERY FEW foreground objects).
About the background music: it’s “THE SUMMER HIT !!” by Calim (mention him in the readme next time) and most of us know it from stripe’s Happy CTF pack. So it doesn’t fit perfect here, intutievely (it’s still okay though).
All in all, “Chocolate Eggs” is what i would call an average level. Nice but not really beautiful. Playable but not addicting. If you like this J2LC tileset, or when its Eastern, or when your 4-year-old-sister wants to play at your PC, you may even want to download this (it’s a LOW 5 :-).[This review has been edited by Aiko]
Well, Skullhead SS (btw, allow me to add, that, from a german perspective and all other people who know about history, that’s not a very funny nickname), it was definitely a good idea to use this nice Jazz1 Diamondus tileset. Unfortunately the level itself doesn’t meet the high standard of the tileset: the layout is quite confusing (way too many warps in my opinion!) and there isn’t enough eyecandy to hide those (too many) empty spaces i discovered while testing the level. The music playing in the background (“emphysia”) is a nice little Startrekker module, very chippy and oldskoolish (i actually like it a lot!) but not really perfect for this kind of Jazz2 level.
Conclusion: sorry, “Diamond cave wars” doesn’t get a download recommendation from me. It’s below the average of nowadays level making and lacks of both originality and solidity. I’m sure the author can do better (and he will! :-). I also thought about giving a 4.5 because of the cool music but i decided against. Again, sorry.
I command you to read Aikos review. Now.
OH MY GOODNESS! EYECANDY WOW!!! Hey, why too many spikes HERE? 2.6MB and it’s no good! OH OH OH, YOU LOVE SPIKES?
You love spikes, I think if here is so many spikes…
(OH MY GOODNESS! RATING REMOVAL WOW!!! -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
This isn’t good
You used too many LAYER 3 and… How to know what is Layer 4 and what is Layer 3?
Eye candy will save you from 1.0!!
See rating at corner!!!!
[Do not give such a low rating for small flaws such as this. -Trafton][This review has been edited by Trafton]
Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep… YAY! This is totally awesome! I luv this! No more latin anymore (sorry, off-topic, but I hate my latin teacher and I’m happy cuz school’s out ;). The beat is cool, something like “pumping beeps”, if that’s something. Well, this is definetly one of the best MOD’s I’ve got in my JJ2 folder! Not that I got MODs in another folder :P. Well, enough said. Download this if ya want stuff!
EDIT @ Bunnyelmer: It’s a REMIX of the original song. Read the readme/description.
hmmm… Can I download this? I’m not a member in BOD.
Heh, what can I say? I liked it!
(If you played TSF recently you know what I mean ;)
Anyway, I like the idea of taking a level and recreating it with different tilesets. (I don’t like the da*n tilesets though, they are too easy to get stuck in.)
Nevertheless, this is a pretty cool battle pack offering a lot of fun.
If Aiko ever comes back alive in his server, I might take one of these to host in the upcoming TSF (Not really DedicateD) server!
MMMmmm…psych…this tileset rocks (not more than the pyramids though ;) and yes, I completely agree that the Psych tileset is hard to use and once, I tried to make a battle lvl out of it. I pshyched out. :) Anyway, the eyecandy is just like Saiyans previous lvls the eyecandy is absolutely ExceLLenT and weapons placement is, quite so-so but it works so I guess it’s not such a big deal.
The lvls gameplay, however worries me and does sink the rating 0.1 points. It’s just that the lvl is too confusing with all these eyecandies and you don’t know whether you can go through this wall or not. Also, there’s annoying obstacles and badly placed springs everywhere. That sinks the points by 0.2 points.
Well, it’s getting late so I wanna go and play some Jazz2 be4 I go to sleep. :-) I’ll give this an 7.7 and a download recommendatin.
White Rabbit.
dont waste any of my time!
my toaster says there arent that many tile sets!!!!
and heY im getting a little tired of the
I will always be CC.
P.S. does the CC STILL mean carrot clan!? oh the carrot clan is called
(( not CC,sorry! ;)
Well the lvl was kinda cool and little bit confusing but I dunno why it’s confusing…And don’t forgot my GP rocks :)
Umm using Micro Soft paint
to make tile sets isnt such a good idea
BUT if you wanna make good stuff with MSpaint take your time cuz itll take longer! well thats my hint.
so its a must give
3.2 or lower ;D
Well….a very nice level…the gameplay is not very bad…but, like flash said in his review, the design of the level is confusing. Ammo, mayby to much, but i like that :)
Good level, and i’m looking for your next levels…
Uh…[This review has been edited by RSPSS FR]
1. Mark this TSF if you make it TSF.
2. It’s not that fun..
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.