Cool idea to make a city with gangs and all…..
nice work with the level i like jungle levels and stuff like that u did well..
And that for a first level nice u should all download this u’ll love it!!!
Tha jokerzz[This review has been edited by Tha jokerz]
I like the level very much there where a few fouls but u made them right.!!
Ít’s a very hard tile to build a level with but u managed to construct it fine.
Very well done i am looking foward to youre next level …
see ya
tha jokerzz
Uhm…not much to say.
Weapons are, all in one, OK…and batteling under the water is cool, too.
There are also good things to say about the layers…
But…I somehow prefer XMasEvening. I think 7.5 is ok.
OK, let me rate the first level at first :):
+ Nice eyecandy
+ Good weaponplacement
+ Warps where nobody thinks of them
- No ricochets
All in one, an 8.2.
The second one:
+ VERY nice eyecandy
+ The best size for such kind of lvl I think
- Sometimes, there are “errors” with the Sprite Foreground Layer
- A bit too few weapons I think
So a 7.8 for this level.
Everybody that knows anything about maths will be able to calculate this now :): 8.2+7.8/2=8.0
So my rating for this levelpack is 8.0
A very nice set here. I’m sleepy, and will maybe extend my stupid review.
Skulg makes good tiles, and this is the best one, I think:
- Cool idea
- looks nice
- uhm…is…simply good :)!
2 Small, but well designed, circuler levels. Ammo placement and stuff is nice, even though I missed some springs in some places, so that I couldnt reach some platforms. I have nothing against small levels. They could be used as warmup levels for example, in a pack with bigger levels, like in my upcoming CtF pack, wich will have 4 warmup, and 4 big levels. To fans of small levels, I’d recomend downloading this. Its small, but neat.
Not much objects, but the objects that exist are good.
gives CelL a good rating
Well. The CelLevator is a nice idea, but it’s too small to be a smash hit and too big to be an elevator ;). It has a great design, and some nice stuff. Altough I think it was nicer when you put the red base in the upper-RIGHT corner adn the blue base in the lower-left corner. Anyway.
The second level uses an awesome music file (Mechanism Eight) and is not too big. The design style is cool (!), and now I see that my levelcreating style is totally different from CelL’s ;). The ammo placement is good, and there’s some useless food. Some masks are irritating, I was “bouncing” on them.
One more thing to say, I luv both music files! I already knew them, but I lost them. Thanks for including them :)
here, (another) 7,7 is yours. I’m sad today for some reason. That’s why this isn’t an 8,0.
As for the tiles, pretty good. But not masked so well. If you want, I could imporove it.
I hoped someone would do this some day with this tileset! :)
Edit: now that i have a look at the different tilesets this is actually quite good :)[This review has been edited by krezack]
Sorry Catz, but Cells right. Compared to the conversions that he’s done, this isn’t a very good one. Some of the tiles arn’t lined up so the edge of something looks like an edge, instead of a bump. I suggest you try taking afew more screen shots so you can make this tileset’s score go up abit more :)
PS: I think the idea of adding the ememies to the tileset is cool, maybe try to take some shots of them animating. It might look good if you had the enemies on layer 5, and using the X speed layer movement, have it so it looks like the enemies are walking.
Violet rewveiwing and rating levels is not about wether you like that syle of play its about wether you like the way the level is built or how smoothly it flows thus i suggest you do not rate a level simply because you do not like its style of gameplay.
It would be like me giving a CTF level 4 because i do not like CTF now would that be fair?
Nice levels, though weird ones (totally UNREAL) the first one had some weird eye candy where the pipes were moving across the foreground screen (never seen that before) the second one wasn’t as “WEIRD” (though i don’t think i’ll have a “Kight Mare”) i can imagine blasting a few rabbits in it overall good job, Flash!
These are 2 fairly decent battle levels Flash made. Both of them have good eyecandy, a bit confusing sometimes, but good. The ammo and stuff like that there placement is good 2. I think i liked the labrat level best. I realy dont have much to say anymore. Go download these.
A pretty poor atempt to convert the JJ1 planet Nippius to JJ2. The whole thing ALMOST looks like it was auto masked(even though it wasnt) and about half the origenal set is missing. It was a nice idea to include the enemys and some goodies in the set. The signs wasnt new (i was the first to use them:D) and where masked, wich they shouldnt be (in my opinion). Conclusion: People, sorry, dont download this. Try again someday. Maybe You`ll be able to improve it.
Nice level. It uses the 7th Lava Fall tileset rather well. Some tiles are used incorectly, like lava as poles and stuff. The mist on the foreground layer makes it all look pretty confusing. Still, download this. Its pretty good.
At first i want to say that this is
1.24(TSF). Admins or uploader, fix that.
Nice litle battle level. I havent got anything to say about it. Good weapen placement and stuff. Only, it doesnt look like there was very much efort put into it, namele ‘cuz its so small. But still, download this. Its still pretty neat.
I am not really a fan of the Cracco style of level making at all. Thus, this doesn’t really appeal to me.
(Ick. Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
These have some good graphics, but I assume they are stolen from another game. Also, it passes Blasphemy and goes on to the Death Penalty for copying tiles from Cool Day. All bow down and bash Double U on the head with nice cutey wutey pointed sticks.
There’s a lot of Pokemon in the first one, which you may like, but I had trouble saying the word.
The second one has lots of animations and copied tiles. Not much else, really.
For all of you who can’t access these tilesets, use your TSF JCSs. Too many tilesets have been for TSF and been marked 1.23 lately.
(Borderline unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.