WOW! Absolutely fabulous! Great eyecandy! I’ll just give this tileset a brief review:
There’s loads of metallic 3D blox around, background stuff like mountains and acid rain, blox for destroying, vines, caves stuff, weird looking hooky thingys (or warp thingys), bridges and stuff, good looking texts and all sorts of spacey stuff. And…of course everythings neatly toned. ;-)
Also, there are extra animations for trigger stuff and…other stuff…so…
I’ll give this an MEGA-BIG rating of 9.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Cause I felt like so ;-P)
White Rabit.
Btw, I dunno the pass for Planet1v2, what is it?
dont download dont do anything just remove this from j20 because your not allowed to give yourself a 10
i would have given you 9.5 but the music doesnt go with the level sorry
(Please do not rate levels a 1 just becasue someone else rates it 10. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
This is an good level for my new server thank you SCIZOR its an battle server
Cool server Tbt Instagib
greetz bunnyelmer
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Sorry[This review has been edited by Kees Rules]
Pretty nice level. This could`ve been a 8.0 or even a 8.2, but there where just to many dead ends. And whats up with those flatend crates lying in the air?:]
You know?
The SS.
The SuperStars.
The other SS is history.
Don’t even think about it.[This review has been edited by Myst SS]
Again CelL made a good conversion. And this is one of his best. Its worth to download this.
This is CelL reviewing, cuz Xans internet explorer is down:-P. Admins, please dont kill me.[This review has been edited by Bod xan dbz]
Not much to say, but pretty basic if you ask me. Nothing realy special.
Nice level. I`m giving this a 7.0 because the looks and music, even the tileset remind me of the good old days…:`-[sniff
Argh! Incredible! (new) Amazon forest is a realy INCREDIBLE new tileset simulating a rainforest in Africa, or some other far away place. It has very nifty stuff for eyecandy, like fish jumping up and down in the water, birds flying across the screen, panters, tigers, chameleons, scorpions, and more exotic animels. Its also has some stone-like stuff, so that you can build a ancient Aztec/Maya/Inca(or any other lost civilisation) temple in the midle of a jungle. It has stuff like venus fly traps(meat-eating plants), cactuses(or something), litle monkeys, lizards, Parrots and much, MUCH more. You can kake things like a jungle with trees in the background, big leaves in the water, parrots sitting in trees, snakes, ancient temples, anything! Unlike the origenal Amazon forest, that looked cinda freaky(still pretty nice though), this PERFECTLY simulates a amazon forest. I also recomend to play the example level, because when you only view the tileset in JCS, it may already look great, but when you lay the level, you REALY see the amazing things posible with this top notch set. So, i am going to break my rules once again, and give this a very high 8.7(!) points. If you do not download this right away, you must be some sorta nutcase who escaped from the mental asylum. Oh, and wow, we had 2 great tilesets uploaded in one day.
EDIT: Oh, and i`ve discovered that the example level was made in 1.24(TSF). So if you cant open it, you`re probably trying to play it in 1.23.[This review has been edited by >CelL<][This review has been edited by >CelL<]
Nice level. Good music.
If you like islands in the sky and lot of blue springs then download this.
I still hate the 50 coin bonus.
(Keep in mind I rated this level at 4:30 am.. now I must sleep night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111)
i should rate this an 9.7 bud they think me and bunnyelmer are cheating{??}
thats not treu we are just godo frends
and i am an second leader of Tbt
Tbt merged with DB/JOl/CC/x
ok i will stay at n/a
bud my real rating = 9,7!
hm, let’s see…
The set itself looks great but when you see what you can do with it in the example level it’s downright amazing.
The environment looks great and the animals are really cool. Most of them are animated too!
The user-friendlyness is also very good (a rare thing with tilesets) because everything is placed in a logical place, right where you need it.[This review has been edited by Ninja Dodo]
Pretty nice level. Good event placement, one or two dead ends, but apart from that pretty smotth gameplay. You`ve used food, wich many people dont. Only, wrong next level seting (should`ve been battle~2.j2l instead of battle in the city.j2l). -0.2 Points for that. Shame:O! *holds up a big card with numbers on it*Its a 7.5!
Errr….. No tileset:P. Please include and Jazzed realm.j2t. Thank you.
I got this in Evilmikes mega tileset/level pack. Its nice. Could be beter. If you`re a race fan, download this:P
Some really nice work by ettie here. This tileset has some nice tiles, and the bugs in v2 are fixed. There are many settings you can make with this set, like space ship and the planet itself. (As the example levels show.) The destructable blocks could’ve been better and some more eyecandy could’ve been added.
For the rest, this set is amazing!
I just might make a level with this!
Alright, to put it short:
This includes one of the finest tilesets ever built, as well as a couple of very well designed levels. The tileset has everything a good tileset needs, like tubes, vines, hooks, signs, and… stuff like that there:D. The levels where also very well designed, using some nice ideas and very well chosen music. [This review has been edited by >CelL<]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.