Look ere, if you think I’m gonna write a proper review on a Saturday…think again. :-P
But why put the big copyright thinge where no one can see it?
Screen shut
hmm.. sounds a lot like screen shot
I se some needed tiles, but not all have uses (as far as I can see)
Some might have been useful, If you hadent put them in BOXES! I have nothing agenst ripping stuff from jj2
or putting some funky stuff in your tileset, but spend some more time next time
WOW! I have only Holiday Hare Jj1! Now the episode 1 is here too! WOW!!!!!!!
Jelze? Don’t say me the WINNER clone anymore…
(Unsupported rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Ehm…sry, but it sucks…and btw, the name Space Shoot Out is already taken. :-P (it means that another lvl has alredy got that name)
Oh, there are already so many reviews ere that I’ve decided to not write an review myself cause there’s no point anyway. :-P
Nice, very nice. Too lazy to write a big review here.
This was a fairly good atempt to remake the origenal first Jazz Jackrabbit episode, turtle Terror, in JJ2. But, i still realy would`ve liked it if the JJ1 sets would`ve been used. Cuzz you see, the JJ1 editions of Diamondus, Tubelectric and Medivo, had some very nifty things that the JJ2 ones did`nt have. For example:
-The waterfalls in Diamondus
-The mountians in Diamondus
-The turrets in Tubelectric
-The glowing ground in Tubelectric
-The flowing lava in Medivo
And more:-P. But i must say, this is a pretty good “conversion”. Only, there where some things done incorectly. Like in one of the secrets in tubecectric, there where suposed to be about 6 invincebilitys, but there was only one. And also, the tiny turtles(or turtlets) where replaced by their mature cousins, who do hurt when you touch them, while the “turtlets” did`nt. How do i know these things? Well, i just played JJ1 on a old PC a few minutes ago;D. But, go download this, espacialy if you have`nt ever played JJ1. Its worth a try. Good job JelZe o`ll levelbuilder.
Btw, Fire sword, thats Cell for you, as in 2 ‘L’s:P[This review has been edited by >CelL<]
ill download this definatley coz u guys make it sound great!!!!!!!!!!
ps scizor ill cya on msn
A chalenging yet barely possible pack?!!?
this pack is sweeeeeeet! it really shows how great tilesets can be made. Woodlands was cool but this is awesome! DOWNLOAD IT NOW!
I have no idea what things you couldn’t get as Jazz. The Seeker Powerup is sitting on a one way platform, above a green spring that bounces you just high enough to get on top.
However, this level had some problems. Bad manuverability, (Walls I thought weren’t there were, and wice weresa) low eyecandy, (whatever happened to the water) and other things on that order.
You may say I used this tileset very badly, but I can’t say so much of your use for it myself.
Q O B is in TSF! Why you uploaded this for cheaters? And in this file, when jazz opened the door 1, he get up and he get an airboard(???)and he stay. And when Jazz uses helicopter ears, he shoots up but the helicopter noise only… It only doesn’t work. Why you uploaded this? This doesn’t work if somebody want to cheat. I don’t cheat anyway.
A good tile set u can do a lot of things with it :)
good job newspazz :)
joker[This review has been edited by Tha jokerz]
Hm.. the Textfile rules ;P
mwha finally a tileset from me in a pack ;)
this tileset is awsome. the level is not so bad itself :) the 7th lava fall tileset is my fav, its got like so much eyecandy. way, way better than the original Jazz2 levels. 10 points. its awsome. download it now!
I like the tilesets, levels, and music but I would like to hear the music for all the time that I’m playing the level.
Can you do that? [This review has been edited by Stinger]
[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
you are right its weird no matter what the other guys say its weird the are even tiles when you play it that arent even in the tilest.
(Not only do I have no idea what you are talking about, but your rating also makes no sense. Therefore, I will remove it. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
i know its a level to remember the victems in the war but vouldent you make it a bit more fun p-p-please!
i,m afraid it could knok you alseep forever like this zzzzzzzzzzzz (z removal) zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Violet CLM: Oh, god. Victims in the war? Don’t rate this.[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.