Review by Super Saiyan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Astronauts
Level rating: N/A

No Tileset and where is that read this thingi..?

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mountain Pass
Level rating: 6

Altough the Diamondus tileset being very basic, you can overdo it…and that is what the creator of this level did. The level is way too lineair, and the whole area seemed to be a one-way ticket. No gap’s ‘n paths, just one way…The eyecandy is very bad, you should improve it by adding more nature to the level, and more of that kind. Weapon placement was bad as well, it was just stuck on various places, like the creator didn’t care. I don’t think people have to download it, but maybe they want to after all, the so called freaks :P. Try again, better luck next time!

Review by merder

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hacked *.j2s file.
Level rating: 7.2

cool even if i forgot to backup my english .j2s file i`m a hollander thats my luck .

o and by the way could you give me the hexedit program?

(Cool yet 2.0? Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jungle Trouble
Level rating: 8.4

opens eyes widely Disguise trying SP? Oh well…here goes…

The length of the levels is very good, it takes some while to run trough it, also, nice puzzles have been added to make you scratch your head from time to time. However, the real difficulty of the pack does not come from the puzzles, is comes from the way too big amount of baddies placed, and it really gave me the feel I was just an automated Fire-button-press device…
The eyecandy, to be honest with you all, just sucks. Well ok, it doesn’t suck suck..but it sucks. Way too empty, try to add a more jungle feel to it, use way more bushes, trees, flowers, rocks, moths etc. etc.
I think the real single player freaks may be rather dissapointed with this pack, but the rest (I think) will think it is just fine as a break from the battle-madness…Try to improve your SP-skills, then come back for a second go. For now, go back to tilesets again, Wisey, those rock. ;)

Review by merder

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: ScreenShut
Level rating: 5.8

not that good ans not that bad next time work a bit longer.

Review by juaqcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jungle Trouble
Level rating: 8.4

It’s a great lvl. so that’s why you get a 8.5 from me…..

Juaq cc

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Underground Lab
Level rating: 8

Let’s keep it short. “Underground Lab” is a very decent level using the Labrat tileset (and i really like that set), and indeed it may be a tad too large (about 175*60 tiles) in these times of small servers with only a handful of players (i wonder why the authors keep making this large levels).

But layout and eyecandy are definitely above the average in this level: it has a very good and OPEN platform and weapon placement and therefore it is a great fun to play in it i think. The layer work is pretty good, too, using many elements of the tileset.
Apart from all that, there is music. And, of course, it’s always a nice try to win all my sympathy for a level by choosing a super elite tune like this one. It is the background music for Future Crew’s “Unreal” Megademo (of 1992, if i remember correctly), composed by finnish scene legend Purple Motion. Doesn’t fit perfectly to this little Jazz2 level, but still it’s cool.

To finally put it short: DOWNLOAD this level, it is WORTH it.

P.S.: A very annoying bug is the lack of a correct next level setting. I lowered the rating because of this (well actually i was undecided anyways). You should better correct this bug, MR MAGOO :-)

Review by VeggieMan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JazzEd 0.74 Beta
Level rating: 9.2

This program rules! Akio found the meaning of Excellent, and made a program based around it. Very useful. And hey, it works in Win 2k pro. THANK YOU!

Download this!


Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mountain Pass
Level rating: 6

Well, i don’t have much to say about “Mountain Pass”. It uses the well know (and totally overused) Diamondus tileset and is too large in my opinion (about 175*62 tiles). The design is okay, no more no less. Unfortunately there are a few annoying things like too many poles and a lack of openness (not really good for a battle). Regarding the eyecandy, i didn’t find much of it in “Mountain Pass”, sorry.
The background music is the original Diamondus tune from Jazz1 and fits okay.

What else to say? If you REALLY REALLY like large battle arenas AND the Diamondus set, you may want to save this level in your Jazz2 folder. If thats not the case: absolutely no need to check this one out.[This review has been edited by Aiko]

Review by Roseta

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: j1 Haze's Mayhem
Level rating: 7.4

Agrees with KJazz

(Does not agree with Roseta. Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by VeggieMan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jungle Trouble
Level rating: 8.4

This a very well made fun yet diffcult single player pack! Download this! It’s worth your time. Plus I’m sure most of you are lazy so you have lots of time on your hands. So that’s more reason to download it now! NOW!


Review by Whizz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Astronauts
Level rating: N/A

There’s no “read this.txt” in the zip file and you didn’t include the tileset.
No rating until you did that.

Review by Whizz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jungle Trouble
Level rating: 8.4

Well this is a very good level pack.
Not too hard because I’m Jazz in play and then is beating the witches very ease (high-jump).
Well take this 8!
You don’t want it?!
I always knew you where InSaNe! :-P

WhizzWabbit (WW is also good).

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Darker Dreams ! ! ! Version 2.0
Level rating: 8.6

Moo! This level is er…. cool :p. But since I became a low rater I think the other ratings are a too high. The level has great eyecandy, sometimes a bit too confusing but overall good. The gameplay is some kind of “above average”. Sometimes I ahd to search for the “exit”. The ammo is good, not too much. That’s all. I’m a low rater (since I started listening to KoRn :) so I won’t give this more than an 7.0

BTW, I think the 9,5+ ratings are a bit too high.

Review by Whizz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Mountain Pass
Level rating: 6

Like VeggieMan says, eyecandy is not too great but ok.
This is not gonna be classisc like Where Warriors Fall (Mystic Legends).
Well that’s it.

Review by White Rabbit

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Darker Dreams ! ! ! Version 2.0
Level rating: 8.6

Another lvl made in absolutely no time by Cell? Yes. Does it have good weapons placement? Yes. Is the gameplay good? Yse. Does it have nice eyecandy? Yes. Is the music choice good? Yes. Is the lvl confusing? NO!!!!! :-D

Alrighty folks, finally…(I’ve been waiting a long time for this) Cell has made a battle lvl that is not confusing which will add 0.2 points to the rating. ;) And not only isn’t the lvl confusing, it’s got SupErB eyecandy and uses the MeZmErIzE tileset very good although some inside areas would be nice. Spikes, diamonds, red and green shiny blox, waterfalls and pools of water lifts the eyecandy of Darker Dreams far, far up. (It means it’s above average ;-P) The weapons placement is well, good but ammo is quite sparse and could’ve been improved much more to make it better. The gameplay of Darker Dreams however, is the strongest point of it. When you battle in it you can almost feel…er…feel something… ;) and the…er…feeling…er…feels very nice. ;-)

There’s not much secrets in the lvl but then I hate secrets, they’re so well hidden I can’t find’em… :( Despite the fact that I do hate secrets, I still think the one in Darker Dreams is very good. Especially the full health carrot at the end of the secret cause it’s so well protected. Lemme explain: You see the carrot. And you want to get it. The most obvious path to it is to go under it so you do. But just when you’re about to take it you fly into an invinsible warp and it sends you straight back from wherre you started. Simple but effecitve. :)

I haven’t got anything to say about the music. It just fits the lvl perfectly. :-)
But, I do have some complaints:
You’ve forgotten to put some tiles in some of the platforms with the red springs. Also, in some pools, there aren’t enough tiles that completely covers the player so one bit of the body sticks out and it all looks un-natural. Fix those stuff Cell and you have perfectised this lvl. (Hmmm…do you really say perfectised? I don’t think so but so what?! :-D)

This lvl is one of the best ever lvls made by Cell so I’m gonna give it an 8.7 and a STRONG download recommendation.


White Rabbit.

Review by Spaz Boy

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Queen of B o a r D Macro
Level rating: N/A

If you go to the Links section of J2O, you will see a link to the former Mystic Legends homepage, it is availble for download there. .

Review by VeggieMan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Koeien3
Level rating: 4.3

Well below average. Yuck.


Review by VeggieMan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Bongo Bongo CTF
Level rating: 7.8

Again, I don’t play a lot of CTF but this is a well made CTF level. The tileset is well used. It’s fun for the whole family. Download this Bucko!


Review by VeggieMan

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sting in Your Tail
Level rating: 7.7

A little easy, but fun. Let your little sister play this single player. =)
