??????! Splash is back! Oh well, nm, let’s get on with the review:
This lvl’s gameplay is quite good with no dead ends and funny lifts. The weapon placement…however is very bad and there’s just too little ammo around with no powerups! (powerups rules ;-P)
The music fits the lvl though so…I’ll give this an 6.5 and an download recommendation especially if yer an fan of Dragonball! :-D
White Rabbit.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
Please spend more time on your levels people!!!
They must be nice not be fast made!
I will always be CC.
Spend more time on your levels and read the JCS Help.
I will always be CC.
Cool level,
I bett I can’t make such nice levels, and this level isn’t too big!
It’s size is good vor battle.
Battle3 is a team battle level (way too big).
I will always be CC.
I never saw the possibilitys in your tileset!
But it really rocks I see!
Well take this fat 8 and wait for my level-pack (single player)!
I will always be CC.
No I ain’t.
Because Unhit still not gave me the results and I tought: Well… Then I join a other clan (CC!).
I will always be CC.
Darn why am I saying that all the time?[This review has been edited by FearlessCC]
good levels but forgot some lives and power ups to place like a live in level 2!
Very good level, looks good, plays good, don’t need to scavange too much for ammo. If I could see it in JCS (dun have password cracker here) and see it was too big I’d recomend making ti team battle.
Definatly download this.
This is a really good single player level its very good and theres millions of baddies its near impossible
cool a new episode buut next time prevent players to start in the midle of the episode with home cooked levels.
[This review has been edited by merder]
could yo tel me how to make your own episodes?[This review has been edited by merder]
whoa if you cal this bad trry yo play it agian .
if the demo is good wel i must wait what the comlpeted is .
Hellraiser, can you create super JAZZ bros. World 2?
Nice pack. Jazz in agent! I got a problem. Jazz 2 can’t find tileset or level file for “agtjrbt16.j2l”. Help! Author, submit review please.
great level but never let them start at the begining of the original game.
Backgroiund is wrong. To flip tiles press F:-p. Besides that, pretty nice level. Nothing realy interseting or new, but still pretty good.
dont know how it is.
thats becouse i cant unpack the files.
cool level.
goood yob wild bill
i like hard levels.
i hate the level 4 becouse if you touch there the green wall you restart.
I don’t like this level all that much. It sounds like an LRS, but I’m not sure. Ah well, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt anyway.
The design isn’t all that good, the use of the tileset is bad, and the eyecandy is low. However, there are one or two good ideas. Below average.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
I happen to be the first to review this. Small level; should have more palces to loose your airboard; the fly off event. I will give a two for including the music file and a two for crediting >Cell< for it. A three for the lvl.
What is q o b anyways
[This review has been edited by Fquist]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.