People can you please explain why you rate it so low?
What’s wrong about it?
Give me ideas please.
Then the next level or version of this level wil be cooler.
I will always be CC.
I dunno about you ppl, but I live in a big city, with 3 million ppl. The buildings NEVER move around for fun on there own. I found that annoying. Also I couldn’t make some jumps because I was Jazz and not Spaz. I hate that.
The music was ok, but I didn’t really get the feel that it went with the level. I’m sorry I’m hard on this level but those buidling moving around really bug me ;)
This is quite an good CTF lvl, it’s got ehm…great gameplay, OK weapons placement and there are some well hidden secrets too. The lvl has got few dead ends, nice placed springs and platforms and…blahblablah and whatever and so on… ;P The weapons placement is well organised and really helps improve the gameplay but the toaster powerup could be more well protected Cell. ;) The CTF base positions are also well considered (at least it looks like it’s well considered, but yer never know with Cell… ;-)and makes the lvl more fun to play in.
Unfortunately, I really think that BIG gap in ths sky is very un-neccessary and it’s kinda boring falling all the time. There are also some bugs too, for example: you can go through some walls, and you can’t in some other. But since all the walls look the same, you won’t know wether you can go through them or not and may be running right into an dead end. Fix that Cell… To lower the points even more, the eyecandy is just not enough to satisfy me and because the lvl lacks eyecandy, it looks really plain and boring but then the tileset isn’t very good either. You should try using Mountain Hill Zone instead Cell, it’s much more better. Oh! And not to forget the whole lvl isn’t even masked properly which surprises me very much because of the fact that this lvl came from the normally very good lvl maker Cell.
Well, anyway, this CTF lvl gets an 6.7 from me and is still worth downloading despite the fact that it has some bugs in it and lacks eyecandy. Although it’s not a must, I still recommend you downloading Green landscapes CTF if yer tired of the old official CTF lvls.
White Rabbit.[This review has been edited by White Rabbit]
Well, it’s sort of impossible to get an idea of what it’s like unless you join it, so I won’t rate this.
Quite a lot of battle levels these days…..
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Below average……
And what do you mean, tbt only? If it’s for tbt only, don’t put it on J2O!
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Well, there are some masking problems, but this is a battle level, not a tileset.
The battle level is well done, with some nice ideas, (two planets!) but isn’t quite as good as Magoo’s….. what was it called, anyway? :P
(Unsupported rating removal planet. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
I like this level. It uses some nifty layering tricks, a weird tube (I think I know how he did that…. do I?) and some other stuffness. However, there is a slight lack of ammo.
I went through most of this level thinking it was CTF, due to downloading a lot of .zips in a row. ;)
(Unapproved rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Bad layer 8, bad layer 4. (in some parts) bad layer 3, bad masking, way too many villains, bad text events (layer 0?) aaaaaaand a lot of bad gameplay.
All of that, this is a slightly above average level that I don’t like so much.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Same question as Fearless: Where do I get it?
Not Bad.bud it is not good to.wel mabey its worth downloading for all cc members!
Greetz BunnyElmer
Just great!
I will always be CC.
(Extremely unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
These are not stolen things these are just nicer levels then LoC and originally ideas added.
The idea of a level like this was by CraccoBoy, but CraccoBoy gave permission so he deserves a 8.
I will always be CC.
I will always be CC.
I see…
I will always be CC.
1 level isn’t 3, level 1 is too hard and too much enemys/bosses.
I will always be CC.
You’re nuts.
I will always be CC.
I will always be CC.
Converse them all then I would give it a 9.
I will always be CC.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.