Leave me alone!
What? All these monstereus good downloads of course!
I will always be CC.
I must say that most of the levels were very good. Some on the other hand, were average. Although you seemed to pick mostly underused tilesets which is very good. Eyecandy is pretty good in most levels, I would have changed a few things around, but this pack is very good. Not too big, not to small. Download? What do you think!
A bit too complicated for me in the beginning, program rules.
I will always be CC.
Not bad not too good.
I will always be CC.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. Out of curiosity, are you still in CC? ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Don’t ask me a thing.
I will always be CC.
I actually didn’t find that this level was “too big” It may even be the perfect size! Good pick for music!
Pretty easy to move around in. Which I LOVE!
My only problem with this level was the ammo. I think there could have been more in some areas due to the size of the level.
Steelix, do you know what the home cook files are?!?!? Nope, I didn’t think so.
I don’t understand how you can rate level if you havn’t seen it. You must have MAGICAL POWERS!
So I’m giving this level a 8.5! But, since your in GpW you get an extra 0.2! We all know GpW ownz all! Thus, your final rating is a 8.7
I would like to see a battle pack out of you next time! I’m working on one myself!
Don’t ruin my day please.
Like Scizor said:
Delete jail.
Make level nicer.
Spend more time on level.
I will always be CC.
Nice CTF level Shady made for us. Its got all it needs. Download now, or else…
The tileset is by Bluez, as far as I know.
Okay, my review. The tileset is great, but I don’t like the moving err… stuff at the background, it’s confusing. The music doesn’t fit IMO, it’s more something for an ancient level. The design is good, maybe sometimes the level is too empty, but that’s nuffin’. I like it. The ammo placement is OK, maybe too much, but I like ammo :). Too bad the UFO’s are so little, I luv them! It’s also cool you used the “Got Moogoo?” etc. billboards, they rule and they’re giving the level a “city atmosphere”. Well… Said everything about this. This is a real 6.5 level :). Grab your rating and give it a twist!
Nice li`ll level. Could be beter.
nice… nice…but it could use a little more action
Yeah these are really good except Happy Desert and Happy H*ll
Man this page is screwed up
Oh and yeah the tileset rocks, expect a level from me with it soon.
(Ok, if you’re reading this edit for some reason, it also applies to you. It doesn’t matter what upload you are reviewing, give detail or do not review! Sigh… removed. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Really the best CTF levels ever. Only bbswing should have mask around the edges.
Corection: They are up again. Only runing from monolith.idlegames.com, not jazz2.logicware.com:-P
I`m to lazy to write a big review here. Just dont download this people:-P
Cewl… But I agree wit everyone else, the b-round’s off a bit.
maybe good for on the internet…
but the server lists are down :( so i cant try it
Look at the level before you review it.[This review has been edited by Bobby aka Dizzy]
mwa… nice to play, but eyecandy?
backgrounds, thats the spirit!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.