What the f*ck???
This is a great program and NinjaUR gives 4.3 points less then when InstaGib wouldn’t be in it?
That s*cks NinjaUR!
The program rules and the InstaGib rules even more!
Next time you post something on I will give it a 4.7 too because you did something I don’t like!
Oh yeah this is my third review.
I will always be CC.
Well, well, well…
This is my second review (yay).
Hmmm… Ok the level is fine with me (the first wind test I played) and it’s hard too.
I didn’t beat it, it’s still too hard for me but I hope I will beat it very soon.
I don’t know anything that’s wrong so I will give you a 7.5 for so far on.
Only 1 question, why should I not make a “Wind Test Level”?
Violet CLM doesn’t have the ©Copyright on “Wind Test Levels”!
Ok stealing isn’t nice but I think you can make a “Wind Test Level” or whatever when you want too.
So… This review is getting too long.
I will always be CC.
Oh yeah, I must change N/A to 7.5.[This review has been edited by FearlessCC]
I dont like the level and tileset fór me it suck :p
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Someone said there was an alien tileset???????? :D When I have time tomorrow to use the internet longer, I will download this and rate it.
This is a very useful program I was talking to iCeD about something like this.
But the :chat is buggy It doesn’t work the most of the time it worked for me when I talked in all CAPS.
Good level start but finish… Where I need to go when I have get the coins?
Good level. Treasure hunt in singleplayer. He he he!
(Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
This is a pretty cool little proggie—and usefull too! My favorite thing about it right now are the abilities to change the next level and change a player’s score. These two things combined make is easy to switch to any level avaliable.
One big problem I have with this version is that the :chpscore command doesn’t seem to work anymore. It keeps saying I didn’t put in the | (pipe) charcter when I did.
The :chat command seems to be the most buggy, but it probably can’t be made much better.
I don’t really want to give an actuall rating yet, but right now I’m concidering it to be about a 7.0.
I would have made it longer… But it got so boring… I don’t have the paitence for making levels.
Very good for a first level. I must say that I am truly impressed for this being your first level. Except, the secrets were very easy, and hiding from Devan wasn’t much of a problem. The level is way to SHORT! and the bad guys are clumped together. I would reccomend playing some levels that use the Aztec tileset to possibly get some ideas.
I give it a 4 for design/use of tileset.
And I give it a .2 for being your first level of okay quality.
These levels were very overdosed on eyecandy, hard to see where you’re going.
The second level was way too dark.
It was very hard to get anywhere because of bad design.
The buildings weren’t constructed very well.
The first level feels a lot like a single player level in several places.
These levels are a little to big to be the sort of thing I like.
TNT is used.
There are WAY too many weapons/
There are several good things about these, but the bad points mostly over rule them. However, these are still above average. 6.5.
A nice level with a nice tileset.
I Like 3D battles very but the music… I got a sick of this here in this levels.
I Like Cell’s Levels very and this is very good. Only some bugs with get stuck and the carrots… I rate a 9 Because I like his levels :)
It’s good for a 7 just because it’s your “first level” but it’s really probably a 6 if that. I’m taking off 0.5 because of the hurts. Those are annoying more then anything.
The Tileset background doenst work like Wacky Spaz said
i love this lvl
Catz :]
This is more than a test instead of a race i mean its a good idea but……………..
:] Might Carry On Saying In MSN Messenger I Have Your Email Ok
This lvl is cool
PS:This is one of my lazy reviews
First of all, when i try to start “Windy Windup” in a CTF server, the program gives me an “No start positions found!” error. At least in TSF. And there are not even single player start positions (which would make testing MUCH easier and less time consuming). The level works in Battle mode, though. Anyhow: very annoying bug that should be corrected as soon as possible. However, i will still give a short review of this:
the layout is pretty open, as always in Disguises levels. Weapon and other event placement is above the average and the eyecandy is more than acceptable. About the base placement…no idea. Boring. In any case, i didn’t find a lot of original ideas or breathtaking aspects in it so it’s only six points this time (i could increase the rating, if you fix the bug mentioned above).
Download or not? Well, if you’re a hardcore CTF player or a Disguise fanatic (like me), you may like and even want to download this. Remember, it’s still above the average and it’s by Disguise :-P[This review has been edited by Aiko]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.